Doughnut Time’s Design-Yo-Own 2.0 Kit | Review

Doughnut Time's Design-Yo-Own 2.0 Kit

Though I am not the biggest fan of donuts, my family is, so while looking for fun and new things to do, I came across one of my favorite donuts places doing an at home, decorate your own donuts kit. Doughnut Time has a few different options when it comes to their design your own donut kit, which we are probably going to try again after these went down so well, as I’d love to try some of their other toppings, but to start we got the Design-Yo-Own 2.0 kit.

This kit is perfect for families with a sweet tooth, it’s colorful, delicious, and simply a fun dessert. The kit has four donuts – Dann and I shared a donut while everyone else got a full donut to decorate – as well as three different glazes (yellow, pink, and a chocolate flavored brown), sprinkles, strawberry flavored chocolate hearts, mini smarties, a Dairy Milk Freddo and a packet of Haribo Tangfastics. The donuts are freshly baked Monday through Thursday and come just a few days after they are baked. We wanted to save ours a little while longer, so I wrapped the donut box in plastic wrap – which kept it super fresh still for another three days!

Doughnut Time's Design-Yo-Own 2.0 Kit

When I first purchased the Design-Yo-Own 2.0 kit, I felt that maybe there wasn’t enough decorations – but there totally was. Everyone got to decorate as much as they wanted, with extra frosting, smarties and sprinkles to boot. We’ve munched up the smarties and saved the sprinkles for another time. Decorating the donuts was simple, snipping the bags pre-filled with icing was worth the price of the box, really, as I hate cleaning out piping bags and am not the best at making glaze.

It’s such a fun experience, decorating up some donuts and eating them. Doughnut Time does have very lovely and over the top donuts, which I do enjoy eating from time to time, and these donuts matched the ones I’d get from them. There are a bunch of other kits on their website and we’ve got our eye on the red velvet box next! If you’re looking for a fun activity for the evening, something different and yet delicious, this kit is such a clever idea. With donuts this fresh and delicious, it’s just a good time.

Check out our other reviews.

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