Aimicat Smart Litter Box Kickstarter Review

I am a fan of backing projects on Kickstarter that I want to get behind, and the Aimicat Smart Litter Box was one of these projects. This litter box auto scoops the box, depositing it into a small bag at the base, which you can change easily. I had actually backed this litter box before I had gotten a cat, as I felt it would be a good addition to our home and make things easier when we got a pet. We ended up finally getting our Aimicat Smart Litter Box ages later, after getting a first and second cat, as well as moving house!

Dann building the Aimicat Litter Box

The Aimicat Smart Litter Box Kickstarter had a lot of different issues. People in America got their boxes first, and the majority of them seemed broken. Many people reported litter getting caught between the parts of the ball of the litter box, others had issues with the lack of instructions to get it together, the Kickstarter Facebook group quickly became a place of either ranting about how they didn’t get theirs yet or people modifying their litter boxes and sharing instructions to make them usable.

Pancake deciding the Aimicat Litter Box is a place to sleep.

Communication from the actual manufacturers wasn’t good, and the story they gave actually changed several times. However, they did say that people in America got version one, and would eventually get version two, where as people in Europe had to wait longer to get a better version. At one point, they claimed I actually got version two, when it was never delivered and my shipping number stated there was never a shipment ready for pick-up, and I had to chase them to arrange a second one to be delivered, and then pick it up from a shop as they couldn’t mail it to a secondary (new) address.

When we did get our Aimicat Smart Litter Box, Dann went to work setting it up. Our version was simple enough to put together, and we didn’t need to modify it any way. The box does rotate and make sure all of the poo ends up in the little bag area, which is very easy to dispose of. There is a line that you need to fill it up to when it comes to litter, and the box itself does need finer litter, so that it would work, but we were already were using litter that worked well in the box, so this wasn’t any sort of issue for us. There is a carbon filter that you need to replace from time to time, so that the smell can be limited to just inside the box.

It’s a really useful litter robot! It is kinda loud, like we can hear it in the kitchen, rotating, when we are in the living room which is sort of annoying. This sound doesn’t really outweigh the benefits that we have found when it comes to being able to easily clean out our litter box and not having to see any sort of poo inside of it. Both Pancake and Pesto use the box often and we feel it’s a good addition to ours. The box doesn’t rotate when the cats are in it, and the cats don’t seem to be near it when it does rotate. It just works well. I like that it looks like an egg too – very futuristic.

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our pets!

12 thoughts on “Aimicat Smart Litter Box Kickstarter Review

  1. Rhian Westbury says:

    Kickstarters can be challenging especially when they take so long to produce, I’m glad you got version 2 in the end. One day I’d love to get a smart litter box as with two cats it can be quite a pain to always clean it out x

  2. Tammy says:

    Sounds like a good litter box my one complaint would be the size…it does seem to take up quite a bit of space. Otherwise sounds very efficient.

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