An Easy Beach Picnic with Higgidy Savory Food

[Ad- gifted product] Our family simply loves the beach. All three of the children come swimming with us, at least once a week, if not twice after school. The beach seems to be an extension of swimming – but instead of an indoor pool, there is the lovely, ever-changing ocean. Warm sand, birds, waves. They love going to the beach – and thankfully it’s not a very challenging day out for us to set up. We have a beach bag with all of the beach towels, sand toys, and sunscreen we could need. Often, however, we want to make a full day out of it, so we pack a little picnic. This time, that’s where Higgidy came in!

Higgidy is a brand of savory foods – think pies, quiche and sausage rolls, that you can purchase and take along to any sort of picnic. Their aim is to create good quality and yummy foods that can be easily made into a lunch or dinner, that doesn’t take too much effort. It’s not about cooking everything from scratch as an individual, and Higgidy looks to be a reliable place for families to get a quick, delicious and well made meal that won’t take ages to make from scratch. We’ve actually had a few of their vegan products before – enjoying their mushroom and miso rolls (they are so delicious!) quite a few times as a quick and simple lunch. For our picnic, we picked a bunch of different products from our local Tesco.

Spinach & Pine Nut Pie and Roasted Sweet Potato & Feta Pie

We started off with pies, which are always a filling and fun meal. In our house, we eat a lot of pesto, made with spinach and pine nuts, so Dann was quite excited about the Spinach & Pine Nut pie. This pie had a lot of texture (thanks to the pine nuts) and was really delicious. Not too much spinach in it – quite an almost creamy middle, which was really ideal for us. The Roasted Sweet Potato & Feta Pie was a pie more aimed at Kai, who loves sweet potato. I am not a fan of feta cheese – and this pie had a decent amount of feta! – so it wasn’t my favorite, but the kids really enjoyed the big chunks of sweet potato and the pie itself.

Great British Pork Sausage Rolls and Cheddar & Onion Chutney Veggie Rolls

Beach Picnic Higgidy

Rolls are like the perfect picnic food, not going to lie. They are so easy to eat, so simple to pick up, and just satisfying. The Great British Pork Sausage Rolls are a classic – these are just as you’d expect. Delicious, nicely seasoned sausage rolls with a flaky outside, that you can eat in one big bite. The Cheddar & Onion Chutney rolls were ones I was particularly interested in. I love onion chutney and am a fan of cheddar. These rolls are really lovely – they were my favorite thing of the entire picnic. They were subtle in onion flavor, in the best sort of way, making for a lovely slightly sweet (from the chutney) and savory roll.

Smoked English Bacon Quiche

The last thing we got, to round off our picnic, was the Smoked English Bacon Quiche – which is another classic British food. We figured, if the kids were feeling picky that day, they would at least have the quiche to eat! Thankfully, they were really interested in all of the foods and enjoyed trying everything – but this quiche is still a reliable one. Everyone had seconds and some even had thirds of it. The middle of the quiche was creamy and delicious. There are nice sized chunks of bacon throughout that you can see – no skimping here. It’s a great quiche.

All of these Higgidy items can be heated up before you eat them, but we choose to keep them chilled and eat them at the beach instead. These pies, rolls and quiches were really easy and made for a quick to put together picnic. We brought some crisps (that we didn’t even end up eating, to be honest), a watermelon and some drinks. That’s all we needed to round out our meal. It was super fun to get to try different foods as well.

Beach Picnic Higgidy

Higgidy is currently doing a summer campaign where they are donating £10 to the Family Holiday Association for every photo of a picnic shared, using one or more of their foods, with the hashtag #MadeForGoodTimes (on Instagram or Facebook). This is a really lovely campaign – the Family Holiday Association is a character that provides short breaks and day trips for families coping with tough challenges, giving them a little break from the struggles that they are facing. After being stuck inside for so long during lockdown, I am sure we can all see how useful that would be.

Check out our other reviews!

10 thoughts on “An Easy Beach Picnic with Higgidy Savory Food

  1. Catherine says:

    A beach-side picnic sounds so nice right now! What a fun day for the entire family and the food looks so good! Sounds like you had a delicious experience.

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