New Tiny Pets with Aqua Dragons

Aqua Dragons

[Ad- gifted product] When I was a kid, we had these little creatures called Sea Monkeys. I do not remember when we got them, or how, or why. But I do remember them being tiny, white shrimps that I got to feed from time to time! Sea Monkeys have made a come back recently, as Aqua Dragons – which are essentially the same thing but re-branded for a new audience.

Having pets is something that children are always interested in. We have so many pets at our home; two cats, a handful of fish, snails, shrimp, an ant colony, and a hamster – but there is always room for more! So the kids were really excited when they got Aqua Dragons in the post. The kit itself was really simple to put together. First, the girls filled up the little tank with bottled water. We did not see the bottled water line and just filled it right up, which was probably our bad. Next, they added in the brine shrimp, with Robin convinced they were eggs instead of shrimp that would activate in water due to science. Either way, after a few days, we could see them floating around.

Fast forward a week, and both Amelia and Robin are checking on these Aqua Dragons often, looking at them in their little tank. Unlike the shrimp that we already have, these ones move almost like they are glitched in a video game, kinda moving forward, floating, then moving forward again. It’s really interesting to watch. They are all very small, but the pack came with so many of them! They all move around so much. The instructions packet said to not over feed them, only feeding them every two days, using the provided food. We have a small scoop that came with the kit, which measures out a very tiny amount that we get to feed them. The two girls take turns feeding them, though we have been careful thus far to not overfeed! Other than that, and sometimes using the provided droplet to add a bit of air into the bottom of their tank, they are super easy to care about pets!

It’s so much fun having easy to take care of, fun to watch pets that can just vibe! The cats aren’t even interested in the tank as it’s so small and the little creatures don’t seem like fish to them. Aqua Dragons are a really fun little pet that doesn’t require much care once they are set up.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

10 thoughts on “New Tiny Pets with Aqua Dragons

  1. Tammy says:

    Oh this looks like so much fun! I never had fish growing up but this is a cute idea for the little ones.

  2. Yeah Lifestyle says:

    We don’t have pets at home and we have been thinking about getting one for the kids. These aqua dragons look like a great test pet as they are able to be responsibly for these little animals before we get a real one

  3. Melissa Cushing says:

    This is fabulous and I had something like this when I was a kid and loved it! I will get this for my God Daughter 🙂

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