A Day Out at Sealife Adventure

In the United Kingdom, Sea Life is normally a sort of brand of aquariums, that are all around the country. However, there is one Sealife that doesn’t seem to be in this umbrella, and that’s the one owned by Adventure Island, which I believe has been around long before the Sea Life brand. This was super confusing to me at first, especially as Sea Life tends to charge tons to see their aquarium, where as Sealife Adventure is much more affordable and can often be free to go into if there is an event at Adventure Island.

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Mother’s Day Fit with Yours Clothing

[Ad- gifted products] Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and I am sure many people will want to treat themselves to a day out to celebrate! Whenever there is a special holiday coming up, I always like picking out a new outfit; something that I am comfortable in but that also feels a little bit more dress-y then a t-shirt under a sweatshirt and jeans. When it comes to being a mum, there often isn’t a lot of time for me to put thought and energy into my wardrobe, so picking out something to make me feel special is always very welcome. Yours Clothing has so many different options and always has new clothing to look through!

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DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Game is family friendly, fun and engaging!

[Ad- gifted product] At Robin’s age, we are always on the look out for new video games that she can play, that are appropriate and easy for her to understand on her own. As she has gotten older, she has been able to play more types of games, but often they don’t hold her attention for long, with her instead wanting to switch from game to game. Her current favorite is DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos, which was a surprise to us, as we are pretty sure she’s not got any background on any of these heroes!

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A Day Out at The Flood at Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch

[Ad- gifted experience] Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch is one of our favourite theatre venues; with a cafe, bar, stage and a very comfortable theatres, we were excited to be back again for another performance. The Flood is a really interesting concept for a theatre show; a play that takes place across 100 years, in the same location, as time changes the people and the environment around them. This showcases before and after a flood, as well as far into the future. The Flood is also based on a real life event; in 1953 there was a massive flood in the Canvey Islands, that resulted in the death of 58 people and devastated the community affected as well as destroyed many homes. On the night that we were attending, there was one cast member who had not ended up making that specific night, and instead one of the stage producers jumped in, script in hand, to fill the slot so the play could go on.

The Flood

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Massive Mother’s Day Giveaway

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and we have teamed up with a bunch of bloggers to bring you a massive giveaway with so many different prizes. These can be for yourself, for your mother, in honor of a women in your life, or just because you like prizes – there are no rules here. You should totally spend some time checking out the other bloggers in the post who made these things possible too.

And we’re back! This time to spoil your mum. Or perhaps you can win yourself some treats! We have over £550 worth of incredible prizes! This is not only a giveaway but also a great Mother’s Gift Guide to help you get ideas and inspiration for your mum or the special lady in your life this Mother’s Day.

KEEP SCROLLING DOWN TO ENTER AND FOR THE FULL LIST OF AMAZING PRIZES! This is not only a giveaway but also a great Mother’s Gift Guide.

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