Battle the darkness with a T-Rex Head Torch

[Ad- gifted product] Darkness is something that most kids feel they are afraid of. Often, it’s just a phase, but dealing with fears can be a challenge, especially if your child really, really doesn’t like the dark. There can be a fear that somethign is hiding in the darkness or that the darkness is full of unknowns, which can be unsettling for children. Items like the T-Rex Head Torch can stop the fear of the dark, as it puts a child in control of a torch, that they don’t even need to hold.

The T-Rex Head torch goes on their head, complete with an adjustable head strap, can be easily pulled onto their head, shining a light wherever they are looking. This torch packs a punch, as it can rawr, fighting off anything hiding in the shadows. On the head of the dinosaur, there are two buttons – one that turns on and off the light and the other that makes the torch rawr. Though this is a really simple item, it’s one that children find pretty fun and quite funny too.

Robin really likes the T-Rex Head Torch – and spent her first few days with it wearing it just to RAWR at anyone who walked around a corner. The sound effect is really nice, and can be easily played, as it’s just as easy as hitting a button. We tend to go on night walks in the autumn, with our own torches, and having a head torch can make these walks so much easier as the torch will just be pointed wherever Robin is looking. If your child likes reading late at night or reading in some sort of den area, you can actually tilt the light downwards, so that it is shining below at whatever they are looking at. This makes for an ideal reading lamp at night!

The dinosaur itself has great texture and detail to the face – it’s a really cool little toy, while also being very useful too!

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79 thoughts on “Battle the darkness with a T-Rex Head Torch

  1. Joanna says:

    This is such a cute torch. I, as a responsible adult, would definitely wear this on a camping trip. And make it rawr haha

  2. Rhian Westbury says:

    This would make it so much easier to get kids to wear a headtorch when camping etc if it looked as cool as this x

  3. Selena Longworth says:

    My 5 year old daughter would fit mad for this. She takes two huge plastic t-rexs to bed every night. One is called mr.dinosaur and the other is called rex.

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