Brinley Williams Personalized Candles | Review

Brinley Williams Personalized Candles

[Ad- gifted product] Candles are something I have been collecting more and more of. I quite like the look of candle light glittering and the smells that candles can bring to your home. When I found Brinley Williams Personalised Candles, I thought that was a pretty clever idea! Getting a personalized candle, to commemorate a specific event or to give a custom gift to someone is great if they do like candles like I do.

Brinley Williams Personalized Candles

After browsing their site, I found that they had personalized candles for literally any event; weddings, baptisms, saying thank you, naming days and even candles that can have a physical photograph printed onto them – though that might be a bit grim as it burns up slowly over time. These candles are unscented, so if you aren’t one who likes pumping random smells through your home, these are a perfect fit for you. I ordered a Brinley Williams Rose Heart candle, which I felt was the most versatile of the personal candles. You could pick this out for an anniversary, saying thank you to someone or as just a beautiful gift.

The personalized candle was super easy to do, as the website just had me fill in a name field, what I wanted the candle to say, and then pick color options for the candle itself, the design on the front, and a small ribbon strip across the bottom. You can actually type quite a few characters out onto this. My candle says ‘Thank you for all that you do each and every day’ as well as my name. Once everything was filled out, I waited for my candle to arrive. The candle itself is super big, quite a thick one, that will probably take months to burn at least. The design on the front is almost like a sticker, though it feels as if it will burn once the flame gets to it. Each candle comes hand wrapped in very beautiful packaging and really makes a stunning, touching gift.

Brinley Williams has more than just these big, personalized candles to choose from, they also have scented candles that come in personalized containers, aprons, hoodies, posters and more. I do feel these large candles are a great way to celebrate various lifetime events and the personalized aspect of them really makes it a unique gift.

Check out my other reviews.

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