Bubble Painting | Crafts

Bubble Painting

When it comes to arts and crafts, painting is always a hit with all kids. At times, it can get sort of same-ish, so finding new ways to use up the giant bottles of paint I got off of Amazon is always welcomed. One of my favorite ways of painting combines bubbles and colorful paint into a great bubble painting project. This is something I did as a kid at school in art class, so it’s pretty cool to be showing it off.

Bubble Painting

The list of things you’ll need for bubble painting is quite small – most of which you probably already have dotted around your house:

To make the paint, you’ll need to mix a 3 to 2 ratio of bubble solution and paint. We used 3 tablespoons of bubble solution and 2 tablespoons of paint together in a bowl, before inserting a straw and blowing all the bubbles!

Once your bowls are filled with bubbles, you then just place your paper on top of the bowl – ta da, bubble painting. It’s a pretty simple thing to create, but combining all of the different colors and making these strange paintings is very fun. The only thing to keep in mind is that kids go through paper quite fast, flattening them on a few bowls before discarding and starting again, which made for lots of art!

Bubble Painting

Kids also really enjoyed blowing the bubbles, then destroying them completely with paper. This way of painting does make quite a bit mess, but it is well worth it in the end. I ended up hanging up our bubble paintings on our hallway wall, along with some more traditional finger painting artwork. Bubble painting is pretty easy to set up and do, so it’s always a good go-to during a rainy day.

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