Top 5 Business Ideas for Travelers

Traveling while making money is more than a reality these days. Anyone can do it as long as they are willing to try and master a new profession. With the online economy, modern technology, and the Internet, your skills can be simply turned into a business. Besides, the travel experience can also vary. You can become a digital ex-pat living most of your time abroad but working for yourself. You may also run a business at home but spend your days anywhere else on the planet. The opportunities are endless. You just need to know what those are and how you can start. So, here are the top five business ideas for travelers. See which one speaks most to you.

Travel blogger

Let’s start with the most obvious one. So many ambitious travellers aim to become bloggers. They want to document every step of their adventures, put it in writing and share their experiences with the world. Of course, such a dream also includes getting paid for all this hard work. And although getting into professional blogging is quite challenging these days, such an ambition surely has a chance. 

The main issue here is building an audience large enough to attract investors and advertisers. Your presence on social media platforms and a large follower base can be an advantage. Overall, a blog will start bringing you money as soon as you develop a consistent reader flow and an audience of several thousand people or higher. It may be difficult to rise to the top, especially with all the competition, but such a business is worth the effort.

Specific location blogging

If you enjoy traveling to specific locations, you can create your own blogs dedicated to that place. For instance, if you are exploring Connecticut and having a great time, you can write about the best food, hotels, and places to visit in that area. You can even recommend what souvenirs to buy as a memento. To get a better idea of what to write, you can read more of their blogs on their website. These jobs offer the flexibility to work from anywhere, and you can easily find them on freelance platforms or job boards. – give it 3 word title add the phrase specific.

While it can be challenging to build an audience, having a blog focused on a specific travel location can attract more investors and advertisers looking to target a particular audience. This, in turn, can allow you to monetize your passion for traveling. You might even land a job as a freelance travel location editor as a result of your blog.

Creative jobs

The life of a digital nomad is a great one. You get to live and travel wherever you want while still working on your career and developing your personal business. All you need to do is find special skills, like creative ones, and turn them into profit. The creative niche in the digital market is occupied by content creators (vloggers, podcast hosts, writers, artists, etc.) and designers. All these professions allow great professional growth, solid income, and potential for independent work. 

Overall, the possibilities here are endless. For example, writers with an academic background can also work at and similar sites that offer writing help for students. So, you need to find a niche, work on your skills, and expand your client base. Eventually, you will turn your creative skills into a personal business, where clients will come with their offers directly to you.

Tech jobs

If recent years have taught us anything, it is that any job (works in IT especially) can easily be done remotely. Perhaps, web development and programming remain the most popular professions in this industry. Fortunately, you can easily work remotely, having such a specialty. Moreover, you can offer your services and skills on freelance platforms or personal sites. 

Of course, such a business requires strong tech skills, proper hardware, and communications skills. The latter is for managing clients and working in teams when necessary. However, for the most part, you can rely only on yourself and your skills. No third party is required. Eventually, you can build a company by hiring more specialists. So you will be able to offer the full spectrum of IT jobs. Not to mention that average IT payments are sufficient for a comfortable travel experience or ex-pat living wherever you want.

Marketing jobs

These days marketing means everything. No blogger, corporation, or small business can survive without a smart marketing campaign. That’s where a person with a marketing background comes into play. You can help companies grow their influence and exposure worldwide using only a computer and your skills. 

You don’t really need to work in a company to manage social media accounts or help with SEO writing. Hence, it’s a perfect opportunity to offer your services while living abroad and traveling the world. 


Last but not least, you can also be a translator. Of course, you need to know at least one foreign language (but better, much more than that). A translator can work in person. For instance, you can be a personal translator or a live translator for hire, like during a business meeting. 

You can also translate texts, anything from documentation to movies and books. 

Each option allows you to live and work wherever you choose. Besides, you can work for yourself, doing great business using your language skills.

Bottom line

These are only five out of many professions and businesses you can do while traveling. Of course, each requires special skills and years of experience. However, it only takes a strong will and determination to start. 

As soon as you find your field, a little bit of extra work and study won’t be an issue. Plus, building those skills means you can live and work wherever you want, which is a real privilege. 

Check out some of our other tips.

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Business Ideas for Travelers

  1. Worst Interior Design Trends says:

    I heard it is relatively easy to get Marketing jobs when abroad. That is something I would love to try…

  2. Jennifer Prince says:

    I wish I knew another language so that I could translate! I am a freelance writer, which is why I get to travel so much, which is a dream job for sure.

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