5 Face Masks To Transform Your skin

Dann and I love to do a bit of self care from time to time. Whether it’s long baths or face masks, the time spent relaxing is important. Face masks have more benefits as my skin has a habit of being quite spotty from time to time, so trying out different masks and finding new ones that feel just right have been a fun journey lately. I’ve spent some time picking out my favorite facemasks that can help you transform your skin to be smooth, soft and glowing.

Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask

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Pretty Suds April 2020 Bath Bomb Box | Review

Our household goes through so many bath bombs. We normally order, quite often, from Lush – but during the pandemic, Lush is currently closed. This meant that we got the chance to try out some new bath bombs! In my Body Shop Mini-Haul, I talked about how I got bubbles and bubble bars because their bath bombs just weren’t very fun looking. That’s a big thing for me, I like bath bombs to have good color payoff and to be in neat shapes and colors. Pretty Suds does lots of cute bath bombs and after getting a haul from them, I loved their individual bombs so much that I ordered their monthly subscription box!

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The Selfie Bag from Cotton Bag Co | Review

[Ad- gifted product] It’s a fact that I take loads and loads of selfies – many of which you can find on Twitter or Instagram. I really enjoy taking pictures of myself and playing around with lighting, so when Cotton Bag Co released The Selfie Bag, which is a bag that is designed for people who enjoy taking selfies and manipulating light. The bag itself is a canvas bag that’s quite thick – not flimsy at all, and comes in two styles; natural or black and gold. I’ve been into the black and gold theme for quite some time, themeing my work area around black and gold, so that’s the bag I picked.

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The Body Shop Mini-Haul | Review

Now that we have been in isolation for a while, I’ve been impulse buying! I am sure many others are doing the same, but surrounded by advertisements tailored for exactly what I want with nowhere to go in the evenings have made for some great shopping hauls. I normally get a variety of bath products from Lush, but as they are no longer operating until the pandemic is over, I went looking for something new for my baths. Feeling a bit more into self-care, I picked up a few products beyond my usual body butter from The Body Shop to play around with.

Berry Bath Blend

The Body Shop

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Dr. Martin Schwarz Teeth Whitening Kit | Review

[Ad- gifted product] During this lock down, we have been taking the time to do some self care. Taking care of our bodies and minds often gets put aside, but during lock downs, where there is more time stuck at home, it’s important to keep up with your hygiene even more then ever. Both Dann and I tired out the Dr. Martin Schwarz Teeth Whitening kits, which come across a few different products; a bioscaling kit, an expert 38% whitening kit and some mouth trays. Neither of us had ever done this process before, so it was an interesting ride if I am honest!

Bioscaling Kit

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