Midweek Meal Inspo; Zucchini Pasta, Chicken Curry, Breakfast for Dinner and more.

We felt really summery this week, with a lot of different dishes that might have been more work then they were worth! But, the food was filling and delicious, which is all that really matters in the end. We had quite a few fun dishes from Breakfast for Dinner to zucchini shaped into roses with cheese in the middle. Let’s get into this week’s meals.

Katsu Chicken Curry

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Flesh & Buns – Fantastic Japanese Bao Restaurant

[Ad- gifted experience] Dann and I are really big fans of Japanese food, especially bao buns. Dann actually has tried his hand at creating homemade baos, which turned out delicious. When we were invited to Flesh & Buns, we were instantly excited to try out the boas they had on offer. Flesh & Buns has a few different locations in London, each with a signature dish. We went to Oxford Circus, but ended up splitting a platter so didn’t try the specific items for that location.


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Midweek Meal Inspo; Sausage Pasta, Meatball Subs, Taco Salad and more.

This week, a lot of our meals were no stove and one pot, as the weather was very warm. We have also got into salads! There are so many types of salad at Costco, that actually are reasonably priced, so we have been trying them all out. It’s just better to have a non-cooked vegetable when it’s warming, especially as everyone’s hunger levels change.

Creamy Sausage Pasta

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Midweek Meal Inspo; Potato Bowls, Carbonara, Chicken Burgers and more.

This week, we brought back some summertime favorites and tired some new twists on old favorites too. We eat a lot of tacos and chicken burgers, but dived into two new ways to make them! We also had some time this week for both Amelia and Kai to help make dinner, as both of them asked, which is always a fun experience. Taking the time to teach your children to cook delicious food, especially at their age, is such an important task and one I find a lot of joy in doing!

Quick Carbonara

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Baking with Wright’s Baking Garlic & Rosemary Focaccia Bread Mix

I do not consider myself a baker, but I am a good cook! We often do a lot of cooking as a family, especially as all three of our children love helping out in the kitchen. When it comes to baking, however, I tend to my two homemade muffin recipes, my one cake recipe, and then trying out box mixes. I came across Wright’s Baking Orange Cake Mix, which came out far better than expected, so I was excited to try the Wright’s Baking Garlic & Rosemary Focaccia Bread Mix. If you don’t know, Focaccia is often quite challenging to make, especially as the dough often needs to rest over night, but this pre-made mix actually said it only needed to rest three times, at 15 minutes each.

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