5 Ways to Improve Your Garden This Spring

Updated on April 11th, 2021.

Now that spring has begun, I bet you are missing your backyard and wondering how you can improve it for the new year! My grass is currently in need of a cut and my backyard could use some planning, so I have gathered a list of the best ways to bring your garden into the new year and get ready for the summer and spring that will be ahead of you. When it comes to planning, there is never a better time to start then right now, so it’s best to start thinking about how you are going to upgrade that space to better use it in the future and beyond.


When it comes to refreshing your garden, adding in some decking so that you can create an area for entertaining is always welcomed. It’s great to have a designated area for a BBQ and outdoor furniture. Black composite decking seems to be the most popular colour choice, as it’s dark enough to not show a lot of wear and tear while complementing all of the green outdoors. If you are putting in some new decking, don’t forget to purchase composite decking clips to fit in your new deck with!

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4 Tips for Creating Open Plan Houses

The newest trend in England seems to be creating more open plan houses! So many houses within this country seem to have been boxed up, to get the most flats out of their limited divided spaces, but as families are growing – they are looking for the more American styled, open-planned houses! There are lots of renovations that can be done to make your home more open planned, provided you have the money and drive to change your home around. The house attached to ours, actually, is currently renovating their house to make it more marketable in this climate! With this in mind, I figured I’d share some tips on making a home more open plan when doing renos!

Think About Flow

Often when people think about open plan, they start removing walls. This is a great starting point, however, flow needs to be kept in mind. In the last year, I cannot tell you how many houses had just started destroying walls, creating rooms that had no flow. I went into one house that had you open the front door onto the sit down dining room, as it was just a very long, separated room, with a small archway into the actual living room – as there was no walls left for a TV to fit and a couch! Even if your home is open planned, you will need to actually do the planning of where rooms would be and how the flow from the front of the house into the rest of the house would feel.

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Silverware for Modern Living

More and more, modern living is turning towards minimalism. People have been influenced by things like Marie Kondo’s hugely successful book and series focussed on tidying up, removing what is no longer needed and keeping on that which sparks joy. Some people have resisted this movement, becoming more ‘maximalist’ than ever, but many appear to have embraced the ethos that less truly is more.

With this mindset, we’re going to look at silverware – something which is typically regarded as being out-dated – and explore how it can be utilised in the modern world.


Candles are one thing that definitely hasn’t suffered from the movement towards minimalism. There never seems to be enough candles, in fact. Which makes it reasonable that candlesticks have a long life ahead of them yet. Silver candlesticks are a versatile form of silverware, as they match most styles and colours. Although some people may think that candlesticks are large and intrusive, there is in fact an enormous range of styles and sizes to choose from when it comes to candlesticks. If you like a romantic dinner or a luscious bath time, don’t rule candlesticks out of your life.

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My Must Haves in our Next House

[Ad- Collab] At the start of the year, I mentioned that I wanted to move this year. We would like to expand our family, get a bigger home and – personally – I’d like to really pick out the next house we end up in. The house that we currently live in was picked out by Dann, before I lived here, so I didn’t get to comment on the carpet in the bathrooms or the lack of space for our desks in the home. Now that we are looking for a new home – to rent – there are so many things I am keeping an eye out for, so I figured it would be fun to share my must haves.

Mudroom (Utility Room)

Often called a mudroom in America, I am a big fan of utility rooms for doing the washing and putting our shoes. We seem to have loads and loads of shoes, flip flops, boots, and more that clog up our hallway at the moment. I want to have a utility room where the laundry can be done, the shoes can have a proper home and things like Pancake’s catbox can live, away from the hustle and bustle of the house generally. I think that we are a big enough family to need one as well.

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Bringing the Outdoors into your Home

When it comes to being outside, in fresh air, full of plants and green life, it can really lift up your mood. Sadly, the outdoors isn’t always bright and full of life; grey days, rain clouds, and big winds can make the outdoors more of a chore to be in. If you are an outdoor lover and love nature, it’s a good idea to bring some of the outdoors into your home, making it so that no matter what the weather, you can enjoy the benefits of the outdoors! Today, I am going to share my top tips on bringing the outdoors in!

Plants, Plants, Plants

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