5 Ways to Maximize Your Patio

Summer is in full swing and with not a lot of options to get out, our back gardens have become a great escape to the outdoor world! Our garden has it’s own tile patio, before moving into our grass area. Patios are often overlooked, but now that it’s bright out and you’ve got time to spend in your garden, it’s a great time to use your patio and set up your backyard to be your own little escape from your home!

Grout Your Tiles

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The 5 best ways to Declutter Your Home

People always say that you grow to fit your home, filling every corner with different items as the seasons change and you live in a home longer. I’ve certainty been one to purchase items I don’t need later, but not sit down to think about what is needed and what is not. As the seasons change, it’s always a good time to declutter your house and make room for any new items you might want to purchase for your home! Even if you are the neatest, cleanest person, it’s very easy for spaces to get cluttered up! We wanted to share some tips on keeping your home nice and tidy.

Pick a Small Area to Start


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Lick Video Colour Consultancy | Review

[Ad- gifted experience] I am no interior designer and never have had an eye for what colors should really go in what rooms. My dad was a painter, and he loved taking his work home with him. In the winter, when there was less work, you could find my dad taking lovely paint that he had leftover from jobs and painting up various rooms in our house. These walls changed colors often, making the house feel new, but I couldn’t have ever been the one to pick them out. When you are lost and unsure of what color exactly, there are now services that can give you some pointers. Lick Video Colour Consultancy is one such service.

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The Best Ways to Brighten Up Your Home

I really don’t like darkness. When I was growing up, my family’s home always seemed just a bit too dark. The flooring was dark, the only lights were from small table lights, and it just wasn’t as lit as the house I am currently living in. As someone who really thrives in light – and someone who lives in the UK now, where it is fairly dark and grey -getting the most out of the light in your home is just needed. Here are some of the best tips when considering how to make your room feel lighter.

Wall Paint

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Garden design inspiration for a more tranquil outdoor space

The weather has been fantastic lately, everyone is still stuck at home still, so if you haven’t already – it’s finally time to make your outdoor space a bit better for you and your family to enjoy. We have been touching up our medium sized garden over the last few weeks, adding in outdoor storage so that toys are put away and working towards making the garden more usable for everyone in our family. While planning out this garden, I figured it would be interesting to share some of the ideas I’ve had to create a more tranquil outdoor space – hopefully it helps you create your own dream garden.

Easy to manage plants

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