Save Christmas – Mystery, Role Playing game | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to fun new games to play with the whole family, we are always looking for something different. After Jupiter and I reviewed an escape room which we received in the post we’ve been interested in more of these sort of mailed mystery games. When we heard about Save Christmas, a mystery, role playing game aimed at families with young children, we figured it would be a perfect evening event for the holidays!

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Doughnut Time’s Gingerbread Doughman DIY Kit | Review

We have been making the various Doughnut Time kits all lock down, checking out the Cookie Dough Sando and the Design-Yo-Own 2.0, impressed with the idea of creating our own donuts and putting them together with various bits of decorations. Doughnut Time then announced a few different festive donut kits – so I am sure this won’t be the only one featured during Blogmas! The Gingerbread Doughman DIY Kit is actually a vegan kit where you get to fill your own doughnuts – something we were very excited about!

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Lapland Letters – Letters from Father Christmas | Review

[Ad- gifted product] With Christmas just around the corner, we wanted to start some new traditions for our family. Last year, the children all got the chance to meet Father Christmas and make their Christmas wishes. Because this year, due to Covid, there probably won’t be any of that, we decided to write Father Christmas some letters! All three of the kids sat down last month and wrote up what they wanted for Christmas and about how good they were – of course – and send them off, not really expecting a reply. I then took the opportunity to get some customized Lapland Letters done for each of the children, giving them a specific reply to them from Father Christmas himself.

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Mermaid Chemo Survival Kit For Teenagers | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Cancer is always a hard time for the people that experience it, and everyone seems to know at least one person, either in the family or friends circle, that has had cancer. It’s just one of those things that seems to be everywhere, even if unspoken. Cancer can be especially isolating, uncomfortable, and hard. That’s why Cancer Care Parcels were born, creating a bunch of different packages of items, for men, women, children, teenagers and even couples who are dealing with various stages of cancer.

Mermaid Chemo Survival Kit For Teenagers

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The Reindeer Feeder | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to Christmas time, we are always looking for new traditions and ways to bring magic to the holidays. My family always had lots of traditions – making Santa special cookies, leaving them out along with milk, creating reindeer food to sprinkle around the front garden, making Christmas cards for literally anyone we could think of… It’s always fun to have something to celebrate and something to look forward to. When we heard about the story of The Reindeer Feeder, naturally we wanted to introduce this new tradition to our family!

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