Power Hungry Pets – Simply based on luck!

[Ad- gifted product] From the creators of Exploding Kittens, Power Hungry Pets is a new, easy to play card game with not a lot to actually remember. In this game, you’ll need to bluff and luck your way to victory. Often we find with Robin’s age (she’s 8 years old) that she gets overwhelmed with card games. There generally is just too much going on and she needs to be in a team, but Power Hungry Pets doesn’t have that issue at all.

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Tinkerer Odyssey Box – STEM Subscription!

[Ad- gifted product] Subscription boxes are a great way to have a regular routine or activity that feels new and refreshing each month. There are a bunch of different types of children’s subscription boxes, but having a STEM related box, with the aim of getting children interested in science, is always a good option! Robin was very excited to play with her Tinkerer Odyssey Box, Loopy Racers. This box had a launcher, a bunch of cars, and a ring of fire! Along with a booklet that had a comic about the project and a bunch of other suggestions for other activities that we could do.

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Kreepy Katz – Cat head Plushies

[Ad- gifted products] Robin is a fan of anything plush, even if they are on the creepier side. I honestly didn’t think she’d be a fan of Kreepy Katz, but in her own words of “But they are funny cat heads!!” she seems to be a big fan of them. From the creators of Deddy Bears, comes Kreepy Katz – a sort of spooky, cat head themed plushies. There are three types in the current range; 30.5cm large plushie heads, 10cm plushie heads, and blind bag keychain heads.

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HeyDoodle Into the Wild Mat – Coloring!

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to crafting and drawing, Robin is always looking to do more of it! Though she isn’t the perfect age range for the HeyDoodle mats, I asked them about it and she really wanted to try one out. These silicon mats come with their own set of markers, allowing children to draw and color, then allowing parents to wipe them away so that they can try again.

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GigaPets Cryptids – Raising Mythical Creatures

[Ad- gifted product] Tamagotchis have lasted so long – I had one as a kid, Robin and Amelia each had their own. There is something fun about carrying around a little pet that you take care of and raise! GigaPets Cryptids is a new type of Tamagotchi, where you can find and raise mythical creatures like the loch ness monster (Nessie), Bigfoot and Mothman – who I have never heard of myself!

GigaPets Cryptids

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