Dynamic Coins – Easy and Impressive Magic Kit

[Ad- gifted product] Robin and Amelia have been very interested in magic tricks since seeing a magician at Blog On earlier this year. Since then, we have been trying out various magic kits including the Dynamic Coins from Marvin’s Magic. Marvin’s Magic has a fantastic app that you can use to teach you the tricks in the various kits you are looking to play with, and also gives you a free trick library full of magic you can do with everyday objects. As Robin doesn’t really like reading and following directions like that, having a video option is a really big help!

The Dynamic Coins set is pretty simple looking when you open it up. It’s got a booklet of tricks, a little fold out paper that explains the app, and the trick itself, which is two ends and a middle ring. At first, we were all a bit confused as this is called Dynamic Coins, but there were no coins. The booklet said just as much and explained how to get the coins to appear with our trick! You can add one ten pence coin to each stack of coins in the kit, to make it more realistic, and grab some five pence coins for more challenging tricks.

The booklet (and videos) explain tricks in a way that you start with an easy one and build on it, sort of creating an entire routine that can be done with just one of the magic tricks. Robin and Amelia very quickly got the hang of making the stack of coins appear and disappear, before we started more challenging tricks like melting it through metal and making the coins hop from one side of the table to another. These tricks are close up magic, so they are quite easy to learn and do. Amelia and Robin were quick to master them, though they practiced their showmanship quite a bit before putting on a show for Dann!

Sometimes, these little magic kits can be too many things or too complex, but the Dynamic Coins felt like a contained trick that you slowly, through their guidance, learned how to perfect and build on. The entire routine is quite well made and ramps up in complexity, which was well received by all. If you’ve got a child interested in magic, this is a great addition to their collection or starting point as they learn.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

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