Naked Marshmallow Easter Edition Gourmet Marshmallow | Review

We are a big fan of fun activities in our household. Previously we tired a bunch of Naked Marshamallow’s Christmas marshmallows, and as Easter is so near, we had to try out their Easter marshmallows as well! As we still had our burner left over from Christmas, we ended up purchasing these two new flavors individually, toasting them in our home using some metal sewers to get a nice bubbly inside and a crispy outside. Everyone enjoys a good marshmallow toasting, especially when they have such fun flavors!

Mini Egg Gourmet Marshmallows

The marshmallows I thought everyone was going to love the best were these Mini Egg Marshmallows – which have a bunch of mini eggs throughout them! There are about 8 large marshmallows in the package, with a bunch of candy eggs stuck throughout. These marshmallows are a plain vanilla, but with all of the crunchy and fun eggs, they are so fun to eat without toasting and with toasting. When you toast them, the chocolate starts to melt and get drippy – it’s really a fun time.

Creme Egg Gourmet Marshmallows

In the end, our favorite by far as a family, out of these two, were the Creme Egg Marshmallows. We have a few non-chocolate fans in our family, primarily Amelia, who really loved these creme egg marshmallows so much more than the mini eggs – which may have influenced Robin’s opinion on them! Either way, these marshmallows have dark chocolate chunks and fondant chunks, which can get melty and delicious. They are sweeter than the other marshmallows and had less chocolate, but still tasted just like creme eggs!

As always, we had a lot of fun toasting our own marshmallows and it’s quite interesting to try out these new flavors! I can’t wait to see what Naked Marshmallow comes up with for the next holiday.

Check out our other reviews.

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