FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain – Perfect for 3 cats!

FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain

We now have three cats, it was time to update our water fountain. The old one just did not hold enough water, with us having to re-fill it far too often. Looking for a water fountain with a bit more water storage, I stumbled upon FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain – a large, not so esthetically pleasing looking cat fountain that felt like it much better met our needs than the pretty ones I had picked up previously.

This water fountain has a huge water storage capacity, that you can then see how much is left in it, due to a small see-through area on the front. This, along with the technology behind it, can help you keep your water topped up! The fountain itself lights up red when it’s too low on water, which is a quick visual that shows you need to replace the water. The fountain itself is very easy to actually set up and maintain too.

FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain

The basin of the fountain is made of stainless steel, which is very easy to keep clean. Below this area, there is a secondary plastic shelf, that has two types of filtering pads on them, which can be replaced, at a very reasonable price. This filter has a primary sponge, a cotton filter, a carbon ion exchange resin filter, and then another cotton filter. When changing out the water in our fountain, I have washed out this filter easily and seen all of the random bits of food or dirt that it’s collected from our messy cats.

The FEELNEEDY cat water fountain then has the main area, which can hold 4000 ml of water! This lasts us at least two weeks at a time, though we do not let it sit longer than two weeks as we like to ensure our cats have fresh water. The fountain is battery operated, which has lasted a month before needing recharge for us, and we use it on the sensor auto mode. You can also have your fountain plugged in all the time if you want.

FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain

Let’s talk modes; there are three modes on the FEELNEEDY cat water fountain. As mentioned, we use the sensor auto mode, which has a sensor that can tell when something is moving near your fountain, and then will active the flow of the fountain. This isn’t too sensitive for us, and always works when the cats approach it. We started it off on the continuous mode until our cats were use to the fountain, then switched it to this mode. Continuous mode has your fountain always flowing water, but does need to be plugged in constantly to support this mode. The third mode is intermittent mode, which gives a 15 second flow of water every 15 minutes.

All three of our cats have actually found this fountain to be good – there is a nice amount of water that’s moving just a bit at the front of the fountain and a small water fall for Pesto, who likes drinking from taps. Unlike other fountains we have had, Pancake isn’t afraid of this one either, which is always good! We are very satisfied with the amount of water it holds and how clean this fountain has been after months of use.

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our pets!

8 thoughts on “FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain – Perfect for 3 cats!

  1. Claudia says:

    This is a great idea. I had a cat when I was a kid who would always ask for us to turn on the faucet so she could drink. She would drink out of her bowl, but she was VERY loud in her disdain for it. LOL

  2. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh says:

    Upgrading to the FEELNEEDY Cat Water Fountain was a game-changer for our three furry friends! 🐾 The large capacity and clear water level indicator are super practical, ensuring we’re always on top of hydration. The added tech touch—red light signaling low water—is a brilliant visual cue. Plus, the easy setup and maintenance make it a win-win. Thanks for the insightful recommendation!

  3. Khush says:

    This water foundation looks really so amazing. I can share this post to my fitnes who has cats. It will be helpful for her.

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