Hot Chocolate Bomb | Review

I keep seeing Hot Chocolate Bombs all over social media and so I wanted to get in on the trend. At first, I didn’t know how easy it would be to make your own, so I actually ordered some up! It turns out I have the moulds and can make my own, but it is easy to order these bombs and chocolate tempering can be quite the task, so I am glad that I did grab up a few for our family to enjoy.

The Hot Chocolate Bombs I got were in two flavors – a white chocolate bomb and a milk chocolate bomb. Inside of each of these chocolate bombs are a bit of hot chocolate and some marshmallows. The real magic in these are how you actually prepare them. Once you have the bomb inside of a mug or glass, you need to heat up some milk until it’s super hot. Then, you can slowly pour the milk over the bomb, watching it melt and explode! Out came the marshmallows, a big surprise to some of the household, and so did the hot coco mix itself.

You can then keep stirring this hot chocolate bombs, so that the chocolate doesn’t stick to the bottom of the glass. These bombs made a very tasty hot chocolate, with some great marshmallows that slowly melted into the drink itself. There is a lot of show with these bombs, between the exploding and melting, which makes them feel a bit more fancy and special then normal hot chocolate. We found this to be such a fun activity, and it really brought a fresh take on hot chocolate – something we’ve been drinking a lot of this winter!

We will probably try making our own hot chocolate bomb in the future, possibly with sprinkles in it along with the marshmallows, as they might be another fun twist to the drink itself.

This post is a part of our Blogmas series, with each and every post being about Christmas or Winter.

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