How to bring life back to your hair

During lockdown, you might have neglected your hair care – it was a really easy thing to do. With salons shut, nowhere to go, etc, it’s been a challenge for me to take care of my own hair, myself. You might find that as a result, your hair needs a little bit of life brought back into it. You might be battling split ends, frizzy hair, and a lack of volume and shine. Luckily, there are actually a lot of different ways to bring life back to your hair – though it is worth experimenting, depending on your own hair and hair care needs, to find what’s best for you.

Get a trim

If you are struggling with dead ends and frizzy hair, the first thing you’ll want to do is get a trim. This will remove all of the dead ends and bring your hair to the same length, so that it can almost restart it’s growth. You can either go to a hair stylist to get a trim, or do your own if you are feeling confident. It’s best to look into the types of scissors if you are cutting your own hair, as you will need hair cutting scissors specifically, as multi-purpose scissors will actually do more damage to your hair then help.

Use a hair serum

If you have hair that has a lot of damage or is quite dry, it’s time to start looking at hair serums. K-beauty has a wonderful Etude House serum that’s worth taking a look at. They are quite easy to use, as you just need to massage the oil into your hair, after shampoo, and then allow the oil to soak into your hair and scalp. These oils are able to not only make your hair smell very lovely, but also restore some moisture to your hair and help bring a shine to your hair. Over time, serums can actually strengthen your hair, making sure that it’s full of life for longer.

Another effective way to address hair concerns is by using a hair loss treatment. If you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning, consider checking out Numan’s minoxidil. This FDA-approved treatment helps to stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss. So, if you’re looking to address hair loss concerns, check this out to see if it’s the right solution for you. It works by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, which can lead to stronger and healthier hair. Simply apply the minoxidil solution directly to your scalp and massage it twice a day for the best results. With consistent use, you may notice a difference in the thickness and overall health of your hair.

Change your diet

When it comes to your diet, what you eat can actually influence the quality of your hair. You should make sure that you have a good diet, which includes foods rich in protein, iron, omega-3, and vitamins A, C and E. Changing up your diet to be more balanced and rich, will not only help your hair, but also your organs and skin. If you have been having some long-term trouble with the life of your hair, it might be time to start taking a look at your diet.

Try a treatment

If you often dye, straighten or perm your hair, and as a result, need to spend some time caring for your hair, it might be time to take a break and try a bit of an intense treatment for your hair. The Miracle Repair Treatment is meant to undo damage that has happened to your hair, through 13 different oils and 11 natural ingredients, as well as proteisn, that can be added to your hair to help ensure your hair becomes stronger and softer, after they’ve been damaged. If you are constantly dying, straightening, highlighting, perming, etc your hair without giving it a break, it’s going to become quite weak and damaged over time, so it’s best to give it a rest and try some products that might specifically help!

Get a specialized conditioner

Conditioner is a very important part of keeping your hair healthy! Along with shampooing your hair, you should also use conditioner that best helps your hair thrive and become full of life. Nature Republic’s Argan Essential Deep Care Conditioner is a conditioner that has been created to target dry and damaged hair, making sure that your hair is moisturized, shinier, and silkier, so that you can have hair that is full of life. Argon oil is amazing for your hair – and there is tons in this conditioner, as well as Rose Hip oil and Evening Primrose oil, which is meant to repair split ends, frizz and damaged hair.

Change your pillow

This may sounds quite silly, but switching to a silk pillowcase can make such a difference when it comes to your hair. I switched to a silk pillowcase myself, and it’s made quite a difference. Silk pillowcases are less tough on your hair, which prevents split ends and your hair drying out while you are in bed, sleeping. It’s such a simple change (that really feels so luxurious) and will make a big difference when it comes to having better hair.

Check out our other beauty posts!

34 thoughts on “How to bring life back to your hair

  1. Sarah Bailey says:

    My hair is a mess at the moment I really need to go to the hair dressers but don’t feel able yet. I’ve found an oil after washing does help though and the odd hair mask left overnight.

  2. michelle twin mum says:

    I keep wondering about silk pillowcases, I know many friends have had great success with them and I’d definitely like to control my frizz more!

  3. Rhian Westbury says:

    I try and use a silk turban around my hair instead of a silk pillowcase, but it keeps my hair in good condition. Although I do need to do more hair masks x

  4. Kacie Morgan says:

    I swear by regular trims. We often wonder why our doesn’t grow and for many of us, it’s because we don’t have it cut often enough, once the ends split it just keeps splitting.

  5. Yeah Lifestyle says:

    During the lockdown my hair lost its luster and I only recently brought it back to life with a haircut. I now need to purchase a hair serum next to ensure it continues to be healthy


    I’ve been working on my diet for a while. It really makes a big difference to how your hair looks. I’ve not had a trim in ages, ops.

  7. Jess Howliston says:

    Great suggestions, I had no idea about the pillow thing though and will definitely be trying this out. My hair has become very lifeless so I might have to try some of these ideas to bring my hair back to life and looking nice for summer! x

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