How to declutter your garage

Feeling motivated to spring clean your garage? Home to many a DIY tool, car-related device and additional household items that need storing, the garage is a notoriously cluttered part of the home. In fact, many of our garages are too full of items to store cars inside, while others are flocking to sites like Pinterest for garage makeover inspiration. But decluttering your garage doesn’t have to feel like an overwhelming task. Here are a few pointers to help you get the ball rolling, with tips on how to organise your space efficiently. 

Organisation is key

When handling a large number of objects, it’s important to embed organisation into your approach, otherwise, you could end up in a sticky situation and risk losing things. Garages typically become untidy over time, so the first step is to untangle any chaos.  

This might involve laying everything out on the floor and placing items into different groups. For example, you might make a pile of car equipment and a separate pile for bike tools. This way, you can see everything laid out in front of you. It can help you spot duplicates, broken objects or borrowed items you should probably return! To help with the process, it may be worth investing in toolboxes to tidy up any loose tools and help keep them neatly stored away in the future. 

When organising, split it into areas

Whether you’re organising your wardrobe, your kitchen cupboards or your garage, using the ‘keep, bin or donate?’ method will set you up for a successful decluttering session.  

Go through each item and decide whether it still deserves its place in your garage or whether it can go elsewhere. If you come across broken tools, it’s worth seeing whether you can recycle them somehow. Otherwise, you can donate items to friends or charitable causes depending on what it is. You could even try to sell items online. 

Make sure you put things of a similar nature together

Using efficient storage options, from toolboxes to shelves, crates to garage racks, means you can store your equipment safely and with protection in mind. You should separate your objects into clear areas so that certain equipment is kept together. Plus, you’ll be able to find the right tool without rifling through endless objects. You can also use labels to help with this. 

Take before and after pictures

Often, we don’t realise the difference that decluttering an area of the house can make. The process can transform the space and make it completely different. Why not take before and after photos to highlight the work you’ve done and help you stay motivated to keep it that way going forward? 

Check out some of our other tips.

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