How to Overcome Travel Anxiety: 5 Tips from a Psychiatrist

Travel anxiety is a common problem that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals encounter in their practice and it’s usually easy to overcome once you identify the problem and seek help. 

Unfortunately, most people are dismissive of travel anxiety and don’t make a serious effort to help or accommodate loved ones and acquaintances dealing with this problem. This isn’t out of malice; it’s simply a cultural bias that makes us more responsive to ‘serious’ sounding conditions. 

For example, if you tell someone that you have clinical depression or Generalized Anxiety Disorder they are more likely to step up and help, as compared to when you tell them that you have travel anxiety. 

Nevertheless, travel anxiety can be debilitating to many, making it harder to pursue or thrive in careers that require frequent travel, and also to unwind and enjoy the benefits of vacations. 

The most important step you can take towards overcoming travel anxiety is to speak with a licensed mental health professional. 

Getting help has never been easier because we now have access to various online therapy platforms that deliver convenient and affordable services. Just keep in mind that if you need to take any anxiety medications, you will need to choose a platform that has licensed psychiatrists, not just psychologists and counselors. 

You can also follow these simple tips to make traveling easier and less stressful for you.

5 Tips to Deal with Travel Anxiety

Start journaling to better understand your problem

    Journaling is not a quick fix for travel anxiety, but it does help you get to the root of the problem. This is something that you can do anytime, anywhere, allowing you to express and then understand your thoughts and emotions, stressors, and so on. 

    Try to use a structured approach when getting started as this will give you greater mental clarity. You can buy a journal meant specifically for the purpose or use free templates available online. Since many patients find the experience of writing to be cathartic, it should offer some immediate relief as well. 

    Learn a few stress reduction techniques

      Look for resources on stress reduction techniques that can provide quick relief from travel anxiety, such as guided visual imagery, square breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation. There are YouTube videos and mobile apps that provide guidance and instructions so that you can master the basics and get a handle on your anxiety. 

      These relaxation techniques don’t require much training and are easy to practice at any time, making them an effective tool for coping with most anxiety disorders. 

      Start practicing meditation and mindfulness

        Any meditative practice, including mindfulness, will help give you greater self-awareness, awareness of your surroundings, and control over your responses. 

        Staying focused and in the moment also makes it easier to deal with common stressors that we encounter when traveling. Such mindfulness-based interventions are so effective at relieving anxiety that they are even recommended to reduce pregnancy anxiety and labor pain during childbirth. 

        Keep in mind that any type of meditation and mindfulness intervention will require training and practice, so get started as soon as possible.

        Don’t leave work and chores undone

          One of the most common stressors that we encounter is a fear of returning to work after vacationing only to be completely overwhelmed with a terrible backlog. This is a common cause of travel anxiety that undermines all of the benefits of vacationing, making the travel experience incredibly stressful. 

          The most effective way to counter this is by planning ahead and putting in extra hours before you travel. Whether it’s work at the office or household chores that you’ve been putting off, get them all done before you leave and also try to do some extra work so that you have less to do when you return. 

          Always be prepared for emergencies

            Travel anxiety is often linked to a fear of the unknown – specifically unforeseen medical emergencies. These anxieties can be alleviated with thorough planning so that you have all the information you could need for such situations, such as local medical facilities, emergency services, prescription requirements, hospital networks, and travel insurance. 

            Also, speak to your doctor and get all required vaccinations or boosters before traveling, and check the US Department of State travel advisories for information on safety precautions that you should follow. 

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