It’s Bananas! The Monkey Tail Game is hilarious fun

It's Bananas! The Monkey Tail Game

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

Our household is full of games and toys for our children to enjoy, away from screens. Our favorite types of games are the ones that Robin, Amelia and Kai can set up together and play, without much help from us, so that they can decide when they want to play and get right too it. It’s Bananas! The Monkey Tail Game is a pretty funny, easy to set up game that our kids can run themselves, easily.

It’s Bananas! does have a very simple set up process. Each player puts on a monkey tail, which does need blowing up, and then is put on using an elastic belt. There are a bunch of cardboard rings, which need to be pushed into plastic bases, and then spread around an area. A spinner also needs to be taken out of the box. That’s literally all of the set up, so it’s easy for kids ages six and up to set up! One of the things to note about It’s Bananas! is that it does need to be set up in a big space. Our house is pretty big but not the biggest out there, and we struggled to have enough room in our kitchen to set up the game properly. The rings that need to stand against the ground do not do well outside, do to the wind (and fact that they are so light) so this is an indoor only game – and you need to ensure you have the space to play it.

Once you do have It’s Bananas! set up, the game itself is really easy to play. Someone will spin the spinner, than players will race to complete the action. Half of the spinner has tasks designed for the tail to be forward (through your legs) while the other half have tasks where the tail needs to be backwards (facing away from you). Most of these have you picking up a specific colored loops or lining them up. It sounds really easy, but it’s actually quite challenging when it comes to actually using the tail. This tail is a blow up item, that you cannot touch with your hands. You have to use your thighs or hips to move the tail. Switching the tail from front to back is a bit of a faff, and our house rule is that all kids playing need to have their tail the right way around for the task, before saying GO, and going off to do the task.

Dann and I played a few rounds of It’s Bananas! as well, which was pretty funny and embarrassing on our part. This feels like it could be an adult game after a few drinks, as well as a neat party game for small groups of children, as there are only two tails, though we have one child being the judge and spinner, to decide who won the round. It’s Bananas! comes with tokens to give to the winner of each round, and once you have collected enough coins, you win. We didn’t actually play much with the coins and instead made it a really fun household game where we were just racing around and then getting ready for the next round. It’s Bananas! has seen use on the weekends, set up all throughout the kitchen and living room, with our children running about like wild monkeys! It’s so good to see them having so much fun – and we’d love to see an outdoor, more sturdy version in the future!

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