Kid K’Nex Zoo Friends allows you to create fun creatures

Kid K'nex Zoo Friends

[Ad- gifted product] Often, we are looking for fun toys that Robin is able to play with on her own, especially during the weekends and holidays when we are all home. Kid K’Nex are a really wonderful option, as they are made for younger hands, who can use the different parts to connect and create whatever they want! Robin got her hands on the Kid K’Nex Zoo Friends, which is a really wonderful little kit.

The Kid K’Nex Zoo Friends had a bunch of different pieces, as well as a few special ones that fit the Zoo Friends concept. There were ears that doubled as beaks, large Flamingo-like feet, a horn-like piece that can also be used as a tail and eyes. These eyes where what Robin was most interested in, as she really wanted to make creatures that could see! There is also a massive map inside of the box that shows loads of different creatures that you can build, but didn’t really have instructions and instead had you figuring it out as you go.

Robin found it really easy to connect together the Kid K’Nex Zoo Friends and could slot the various pieces into each other. There were some interesting parts that needed to be slightly explained to her; two purple large lines that can be bent took telling her it was okay to bend them and a pair of green joints which can be used to create something at an angle (or attach the eyes in a new way) had to be shown to her before she took over. All of the rest of the pieces were pretty self explanatory. There were plenty in the box to create several different friends, though we could have done with another pair of eyes!

Robin had a great time making the cat as shown on the image map, as well as the snake, and then some made-up creatures that she kept adding too, creating fantasy characters that she would tell everyone could talk. It’s a set that really fosters the imagination, where she can created with endless possibilities then make up whatever she wants to go along with it. She had a really lovely time playing with her K’Nex Zoo Friends and building up loads of things!

Check out more of our toy reviews!

20 thoughts on “Kid K’Nex Zoo Friends allows you to create fun creatures

  1. Beth says:

    I love building sets like these. They’re a great way to get kids using their creativity and introduce them to STEM concepts. This one is an especially cute set!

  2. Fall_Mural_Design says:

    I love the idea of creating your own character, that is so so cool and would help evolve kids’ imaginations.

  3. Rhian Westbury says:

    This is so cute and she’s such a fun little animal. It’s good that most of the pieces were easy for her to understand and do on her own x

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