KittySpring – Cat Water Fountain | Review


When it comes to cat fountains, there is so much information out there about how a water fountain is much better than a bowl of water, for your furry friend. When we got a cat fountain for Pancake, despite it being a very good fountain, Pancake was a bit… well… scared of it. Pancake, as it turns out, doesn’t like water that moves. He finds movement, in anything, scary as he is a little cowardly pet who doesn’t enjoy so much movement and noise. He would keep drinking from his bowl, when given the choice, ignoring his fountain.

So, I went on the quest to find him a better suited water fountain for his needs. I wanted something that could hold a lot of water and that Pancake would enjoy. In my quest to find the best fountain, I stumbled across KittySpring on Kickstarter, a fountain that is meant to mimic a brook. This water fountain has a tube on it, which can be pulled off when empty and refilled, and it fills up a shallow yet wide dish with a good amount of water for any furry pet. As the dish is so wide, Pancake’s whiskers won’t brush against the sides, so there will be no damage to them.

The water stays fresh, since it’s contained in a bottle, with only the amount he drinks being replaced. It’s a clever idea, and best of all, Pancake isn’t afraid of the water as it moves slowly when refilling and there isn’t a constant stream! The KittySpring seems to have thought of it all, as the spring comes with a no-slip base, a cleaning apparatus. Unlike other fountains, this one doesn’t need to be powered, as the water flows using gravity. It’s a no fuss fountain that looks really sleek too. The KittySpring has a few different options when it comes to the color of the bowl of the spring, but that’s about the only change you can make currently. Pancake has loved his time with the KittySpring, actually drinking regularly with it. The only issue we have is that he is a messy eater, getting food and his own fluff everywhere, so often the fountain needed to be cleaned – due to the wide bowl. We fixed this by moving the fountain further from his food, and there seems to be less mess.

If you are looking for an electricity free, not-threatening-to-scared-cats water fountain, that provides fresh water each and every day for your pet, Pancake seems to like this KittySpring loads – so you might want to check it out.

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our cat, Pancake, in his category.

11 thoughts on “KittySpring – Cat Water Fountain | Review

  1. Sue Heim says:

    I don’t know how you managed to review this product before it was actually delivered but this product doesn’t work. There are dozens of us now receiving ours via Kickstarter and we are not happy. The “KittySpring” is not a fountain, it is a water bowl, first of all. And secondly, it does not refill the bowl. In fact, there is a major design flaw and the creator is telling us to put something under the fountain to “tip it forward” in order to make it fill the bowl. Um. Yeah. Nope. The bowl barely holds 8oz of water as it is (the bottle holds 16). 8oz of water is not enough water for a normal sized cat. You would need to refill the bottle twice a day.

    This is the worst Kickstarter campaign. The creator has gone radio silent. There was better design in the packaging than in the product itself, sadly. It’s very pretty. It doesn’t work. (Well, maybe for a geriatric cat who doesn’t drink much water.)

    I’m still very interested in how you reviewed a product that wasn’t yet available, (The item was supposed to ship in December of 2020. It only now has shipped the glass version out. If you have an advance version and gave a positive review, exactly how unbiased are you really?)

    And as to the previous comment, exactly HOW do you keep the water from getting bits of fluff and stuff in it? The bowl of water STILL SITS ON THE FLOOR!!!! Fluff and stuff can STILL FLY INTO THE BOWL. Srsly.

    • Jupiter says:

      Hey there! I got my kickstarter version (UK) A few months before I posted this review. I am not sure how yours are – or why you are getting yours so late. I paid for mine as apart of the kickstarter as well. Mine does refill the bowl (maybe I got lucky with the one I have) and it bubbles often, though we are needing to refill it more now that we have two cats. The bowl does get fluff in it over time, but it’s the same with a normal bowl, both of which we just clean and tip out if it gets too dirty. I am sorry you didn’t like your bowl, it is always a risk with the kickstarter products! I had an okay time with mine – when we first got it, it really was a solution to Pancake hating the water that moves or the water that stays still in bowls. With him, I only needed to refill it once every 3 or so days, so maybe he just doesn’t drink much?

  2. L. . Dods says:

    The kitty spring fountain doesn’t work and is a total rip off. I have 4 cats and none even attempt drinking from it. Which is good because it doesn’t fill anyway except with help.I bought 2, lone for a gift. I can’t even give it away.

  3. Chloe says:

    Thanks for sharing your experience! My cat also loves his KittySpring water fountain. He plays with it quite a bit and sometimes knocks it completely over. Have you experienced this at all? I’m looking into potential solutions to prevent more spills. We use the rubber base, but that doesn’t stop the topple!

  4. Susan Hall says:

    The kitty spring bowl is useless ..the first bowl full half empties the chamber …my cats would not drink from it so the water had dust etc in it ..trying to pick it up without the water going everywhere is impossible …total waste of money ..I’d feel bad giving it to anyone else

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