Ordering a Letter from Santa, from the Lapland Mailroom

Lapland Mailroom

[Ad- gifted experience] Christmas is such a magical time of year! There is always a big feeling of magic in the air, from the moment snow starts to fall from the sky to the first mention of Santa Claus. Lapland has the option to get a letter from Santa mailed to your home, which can really make the concept of Santa more magical and realistic to those who are young and old.

Lapland offers four different personalised letters from Santa (or Father Christmas, if you choose to call him that!) These letters are all a bit different, one of them being designed for a baby’s first ever Christmas and the other three being different variations of a letter from Santa, so that you can get one for each of your multiple children, yet they all won’t be exactly the same. All of these letters are upbeat and cheerful, reminding your child that Christmas is right around the corner, one thanking them for sending a letter to Santa before now, and all of them talking about your child being on the nice list this year.

You can easily customise these letters, using a form that asks some pretty basic questions like your child’s name, gender, best friend’s name, what they want for Christmas, age, and what was left last year for Santa. If these basics weren’t enough, you can add a little note at the end of the letter, completely written by you, to ensure that the letter does seem like it’s by someone who sees all and knows them! Writing these little notes at the end adds so much personalisation and realism to the letter – showing that Santa has somehow gotten a hold of this information, and can really make the magic of Santa Claus stand out and become more believable.

Once your letter is finished on the Lapland website, you can review it once more. There are some add on activity sheets that can be sent with your letter or a certification that your child is on the nice list. Then you can pay for what you ordered. You do not need to worry about your letter coming too early, even if you order it now, as all of these letters are sent on December 1st, just in time to arrive as you are getting ready for Christmas itself.

We always enjoy writing letters to Santa and receiving letters back from the big man himself, so having such a simple way to order letters ahead of time, so they aren’t forgotten until too late, is really useful to have right now. It feels like Christmas is sneaking up on us this year, so being prepared is the best way to be!

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20 thoughts on “Ordering a Letter from Santa, from the Lapland Mailroom

  1. Jasmine Martin says:

    This is such a great idea for kids. I absolutely adore this. I definitely think a lot of children would appreciate this.

  2. proseccobefore7 says:

    Christmas ifs for all of us a very special time. My daughter is learning how to read now and this sounds like such a lovely idea for her! We will definitely look into it.
    Thanks a lot for sharing!

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