[Ad- collab] As lockdown is finally coming to an end, and Dann and I are jumping at the bit to get back to our normal lives. Lockdown itself has been a rollarcoaster, from baking bread and backyard picnics, to nights of boredom. At one point, Dann turned to me during lockdown and said “I just want to go to the store with you, but they only allow one houehold member in. That’s all I want. To go to the shop with you. And we can’t even do that.” which I feel was probably the lowest point of lockdown for us. It was so hard to have all of our basic comforts, the places we liked to explore together, taken away. However, we did have a lot of fun making our own pastas, exploring new hobbies, and homeschooling three children!
Through lockdown, we had a lot of fun doing a bunch of cooking courses online – something that I do feel like we will probably continue to explore. I really loved the concept of learning while cooking from our own kitchen – it’s so much more comfortable and enjoyable then going out to a cooking class where you don’t know where everything is. I also have enjoyed exploring more local places – finding favorite duck feeding ponds and favorite little walks that we have continued to explore as the weather has gotten a bit more sunny.

With lockdown ending, we have been excitedly pre-booking up everything that seems of interest with us. Everything is slowly opening up, so we have been trying to get out and about as much as we can. We’ve been booking up the cinema, going out to eat, and generally walking around – with masks in hands. As businesses open up, it can be a scary time – we’ve been avoiding trains and trying to limit being around large groups of people – but at the same time there is just so much we’d love to get out and do.
I, myself, have been looking towards spending some of the summer back home, in America. After two years of being away, I really miss my family. Where as before it felt like it was too dangerous to go, now it’s starting to feel like I can visit them, see my cousins, and enjoy a bit of summertime in the town I grew up in. It’s been so long since we last travelled at all. I really hope that more events across all of Europe will start planning for the next year, as it would be great to go to more work events and visit the wider world again.

We are really hoping that there isn’t another lockdown in our lifetime and are happy to see businesses starting to open up and continue to move forward with their own opening plans. Revolution Four has a great roadmap out of lockdown, which features important dates and is good to follow when it comes to seeing the end of the year and a half we’ve all spent indoors.
I agree, we have been doing the same and already went for two pubs meals and looking at booking at places to visit as well. Hoping June 21 is on target
I hope so too!