Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic Kit is so much fun!

Ivy and Max Magic Show

[Ad- gifted product] I feel like every child goes through a phase where they want to learn magic and enjoy it. Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic Kit is a three trick magic kit that includes a little story book, which tells you all about Max and Ivy. Max and Ivy are adorable children, who have a few different kits for children to explore; one for sports day, one for saving, and this magic kit one!

Inside the Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic kit there are a few different tricks. One trick is the classic make a coin disappear trick, another splits a pencil into three before putting it back together, and a third allows you to take one die and make it into eight dice! All three of these tricks have really easy to follow instructions, so that once you’ve tried them with your child they’ll be able to take them over themselves. The disappearing coin was by far the easiest trick for Robin to do, though she did need to remember what way to put the coin in so that it would disappear! The die trick was something I had never seen before – shaking the glass to make one die turn to eight, and is really easy and fun to set up. The splitting of the pencil trick is one that we struggled with, as all the pencil pieces fell out, and we put them back incorrectly, which made the contraption no longer work.

Once we figured out what we did though, it was easy to then remember how to put that trick together. The kit also had a magic wand, key to these tricks, and of course the book. Robin and her sister Amelia dove right into the tricks to start with, instantly wanting to show them off to everyone else in the household. I did not think that the Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic kit was going to be a longterm toy. It felt like something that Robin probably would show off once, then move on, however she spent an hour in one sitting putting on magic show after magic show, of the same three tricks, and having everyone watch her. Then, she set up some of her stuff toys and had them watch her, when everyone had seen the tricks a lot. This was the first day. Since, she has brought down her magic kit, her magic hat now, and reminded all of us that she still knows magic and wants to show off the tricks.

The Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic book is a really nice touch, especially as it gives the story of how Max and Ivy found these same magic tricks, how they learned them, and about their family knowing magic too. Robin really liked that she was so connected to the book, through having the same toys and knowing the same tricks. This book is also a good reminder of her toys, and whenever she sees it, she instantly wants to get out her magic toys and put on a show. If your child isn’t interested in reading, having a book that is so connected is such a good way to get them interested!

We’ve got a lot of joy and love out of Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic, and found it to be a really lovely and fun toy for all of us to enjoy. Robin and Amelia love putting on shows, and we enjoy watching them and seeing them play with these tricks! We likely will need to pick up a few more as well, to add to their magic knowledge after this.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

8 thoughts on “Max and Ivy Enjoy Magic Kit is so much fun!

  1. Jasmine Martin says:

    I absolutely love that magic kits are still a thing. I know this would be a great gift to give for a child’s birthday.

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