Midweek Meal Inspo; Zucchini Pasta, Chicken Curry, Breakfast for Dinner and more.

We felt really summery this week, with a lot of different dishes that might have been more work then they were worth! But, the food was filling and delicious, which is all that really matters in the end. We had quite a few fun dishes from Breakfast for Dinner to zucchini shaped into roses with cheese in the middle. Let’s get into this week’s meals.

Katsu Chicken Curry

Amelia had made Katsu Chicken Curry as apart of her Food Tech Club a few weeks back, and I have been thinking about it ever since. She wanted to re-make it at home, so asked her teacher for the recipe, and got a completely different recipe from her. We decided to try it anyway – though I did not fry the chicken and instead baked it, so it ended up a bit pale! The curry itself had onion, carrot, potato, and a large amount of seasoning, all cooked together with some chicken stock and served over rice. Though, next time, we will likely stick with the curry cubes that she’s convinced she used at school!

Zucchini Pasta

I wanted to try some summer-feeling recipes, so I went for this Zucchini pasta rose thing, that looks very impressive! I took zucchini and thinly stripped them, before adding a cheese mix inside. This was ricotta, egg, mozzarella, and parm mixed together. I then rolled them into a little flower and put them in a glass container with a bit of tomato sauce at the bottom of the pan. I added more pasta sauce on top and baked it until the zucchini was cooked all the way. We weren’t really sure how well this was going to go over, so I made some pasta as a back up and served this on top of the pasta, along with garlic bread and a salad. Everyone actually enjoyed it – though the Zucchini are a lot of work for very little payoff!

Coconut Chicken and Rice

Coconut Chicken and rice is something that we use to have, but hadn’t been on the menu in a while! We take chicken and chunk it up, before putting it in flour, then beaten eggs, then a 50/50 mix of bread crumbs and coconut. I then fried off the chicken bits and put them in the oven to ensure they were cooked. Dann makes the rice for this which is cooked in chicken stock, coconut milk, and a bunch of curry spices. We also made some green beans to go with it too! It’s sort of like curry and sort of like coconut.

Breakfast for Dinner

I have no idea why breakfast for dinner works when breakfast for breakfast isn’t something anyone loves. But, I made some pancakes, roasted tomatoes, fried mushrooms, two types of sausages, beans, bacon… basically everything for a full English apart for the eggs (mainly as I had forgotten about them!) Everyone built their own plates with their own breakfast items and enjoyed them! Kai finds Breakfast for Dinner to be super funny and really enjoys it, even if he doesn’t eat much in the morning.

BBQ Pulled Pork

BBQ Pulled Pork is one of Amelia’s favorite dinners and it is so easy to make. I just chuck a big bit of pork into a slow cooker with a cup of water and a bunch of BBQ sauce, then let it go all day. We made some corn to go with this and some homemade potato salad, which is a lot of grains, but felt very summery and enjoyable!

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7 thoughts on “Midweek Meal Inspo; Zucchini Pasta, Chicken Curry, Breakfast for Dinner and more.

  1. karen says:

    Your zucchini pasta looks soooooo good!!! I never had that curry, I am so gonna try it. Thank you so much for the awesome and creative recipe, I love it.

  2. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh says:

    This blog post wonderfully captures the joy of recreating a cherished dish at home, despite a few changes along the way. Amelia’s enthusiasm for making Katsu Chicken Curry again, paired with her resourcefulness in seeking out the recipe, is heartwarming. The adaptation of baking instead of frying the chicken adds a personal touch, even if it resulted in a paler dish. The detailed description of the curry ingredients paints a vivid picture of a wholesome meal, and the decision to use curry cubes next time reflects a practical approach to achieving the desired taste.

  3. AJ says:

    These absolutely look delicious!! I would love to try the coconut chicken and rice and breakfast for dinner is something I have not done in forever! Great post, thanks for sharing!!

  4. Lavanda Michelle says:

    Your ideas were a hit this week—we tried the Zucchini Pasta roses (a bit of effort but worth it!), the Chicken Curry (baked instead of fried), and even had fun with Breakfast for Dinner.

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