Trying Moving Mountains Chicken Free Burgers and Nuggets

Moving Mountains Chicken Free Burgers and Nuggets

[Ad- gifted products] During Veganuary, we always like to highlight new vegan products to try out! Our family is a big fan of chicken burgers and nuggets, like most children are, so we were all excited to try Moving Mountains chicken free burgers and nuggets, which look a lot like chicken based burgers and nuggets! These come ready to pop in your freezer and cook up whenever you want to eat them.

Amelia eating a Moving Mountains plant-based burger

There are a few options to cooking both the burger and the nuggets; baking them in the oven for 15ish minutes or cooking them on the stove top in a pan. I popped mine in the air fryer until they were nice and crispy, which didn’t take very long at all, and then we ate them up! To me, it seemed like the burger had slightly different bread crumbs then the nuggets, but both did get crispy and had a good outer texture. The inside did taste very similar to chicken – though chicken doesn’t have a whole lot of flavour itself.

The only real tell that this wasn’t a chicken burger or chicken nuggets was the texture. These both were slightly more dense than chicken nuggets or burgers that we have had previously, feeling a bit more processed then chicken normally would. Even with that small detail, Robin, Amelia and Kai all thought it was chicken and was surprised when we said they were plant-based. These both had a great amount of protein in them, so they make for a filling snack or meal.

Moving Mountains Chicken Free Burgers and Nuggets in an air fryer

Moving Mountains also does plant based beef-like burgers, sausages, fish-styled fingers, and more. I am quite impressed with the samples we tried – and the burger box didn’t have any sort of plastic in it, which was great to see as sometimes with chicken burgers they also have a plastic lining to go inside the cardboard box. It’s great to have plant-based alternatives that you can cook up right from your freezer.

Check out our other reviews!

11 thoughts on “Trying Moving Mountains Chicken Free Burgers and Nuggets

  1. Melissa Cushing says:

    Looks pretty good but I do love chicken and will probably never be able to let it go. I do love a tasty alternative as well and will have to give these a try!

  2. Tammy says:

    They sound like a great option. I have to admit I’m actually usually always impressed with the vegan frozen food aisle. There are a lot of varieties and options and they usually all taste pretty good.

  3. Rhian Westbury says:

    I used to eat a lot of the quorn chicken nuggets as I thought they tasted really similar to normal chicken ones. So these ones sound good as an alternative to meat x

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