My Summer Affirmations

[Ad- collab] Summer is here, at least in the UK. It’s been warm, the beaches are filled with people, and we have all been itching to get out in the sun. After a year of not really seeing anyone, I’ve felt a lot of social anxiety to being suddenly around loads of humans. As the summer is full of opportunity, we have been focusing on getting out regardless and working through any sort of fear when it comes with getting out and about. If you are someone new to affirmations, they are short phrases or sayings that you can focus on, to motivate you and remind you of your goals.

I am joyfully attracting an adventure to somewhere new that will open my heart and energize my spirit.

I do love going on adventures and rarely do the same thing twice, unless I really enjoy it. Going somewhere new, with an open heart and mind, can really motivate me for the rest of the week – as long as I remember to get out and take on these adventures. This summer, I want to do so much more – visit my family in America, go on adventures with my family in England to new places, like museums and beautiful outdoor spaces. I want to find more adventures, after a year of not doing much at all.

I am opening up to blissful possibilities through new relationships every day.

Relationships come in a lot of forms. Friendships, partnerships, longterm relationships – I want to be more confident in meeting new people and forming new relationships, in a post-lockdown world. It’s often hard to meet new people, especially when everyone has been cooped up inside for so long, but I want to make it a goal to chat with people, find people with the same hobbies, and otherwise make lasting relationships. Many, many people I know are getting back out into the dating world – which can be a struggle in itself, especially if you are a single disabled person or someone who has been struggling with anxiety or body issues. I am hoping everyone is able to embrace each other and form more meaningful and lasting relationships.

I deserve joy and relaxation

Often I am too hard on myself – being overly negative when I don’t accomplish all of my goals in a day or everything I set out to achieve. This summer, I want to make sure to remind myself to relax and take joy in more of the little moments in life. I want to spend more evenings together with Dann and not doing so much work. I want to find joy in new foods and in enjoying what I have, instead of focusing on what I have not done and what work is waiting for me.

Summer is a great time to reflect and work on yourself, especially after so long in lockdown. I am hoping that summer brings all of us the fun, joy and adventure that we all deserve.

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20 thoughts on “My Summer Affirmations

  1. Rosey says:

    My son is big on affirmations (my grown, oldest son). He just wrote on his mirrors in his wife’s lipstick. I hope he attracts all he is hoping to, and I hope you do too, and I hope his wife gets over how he used her lipstick too, lolol

  2. Melissa Cushing says:

    We too are getting out and enjoying the wormer months. We are going Kayaking in a day or two and cannot wait! I also love the fall and cannot wait to go pumpkin picking and all of that good stuff too 🙂 Thanks you for sharing!

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