November 2019 Goals – Decorations, Shopping, Fixing

It seems like sharing your goals for the month is a ‘thing’ on the internet, so here I am to tell you all about what I want to do this month. I do have a lot of lists, small goals, and things that I need to get done for work, but here I am going to be talking about goals that are not work related, that will be done this month in hopes of actually achieving them. I actually work a lot and spend quite a large amount of my time making sure all of my work is done. That, with housework and generally enjoying going out, really does mean that some basic stuff that I need to get done ends up getting pushed back. Hopefully, publishing what I wanted to get done will help it become achievable.

Christmas Shopping. Christmas is coming quickly! After doing a bit of shopping here and there, I am hoping to actually get all of this done before the end of November. We have so much planned next month, that having all of the shopping done and the presents wrapped but stored, will just mean we have more time to enjoy the December feel in the air. I also need to get all of the fancy Christmas cards that I send my family sent out, so that they actually arrive in time for Christmas. I normally send my dad a little gift too, so I’ll need to get right on that.

November Goals

Clean out decorations. Between Halloween and Christmas, our house is going to be decorated for a while. About midway through November, I want to take down all the Halloween decorations and find homes for them in the decoration storage box. I feel like there are a few items in that box that can be cleared out, and we will need to dig out the Christmas decorations from the garage and start up the house decorating, the rest to be finished in December.

Decorate the downstairs bathroom. In the bottom floor of our house, we have a small bathroom/powder room that’s very plain. We don’t use this room often and it’s a bit cold, so it’s not been decorated. As more people are coming over, the room is being used more, which surely means it needs to be decorated. I want to get some sort of art, something for the windowsill, a hand towel, and a soap bar holder so that the room is finally complete.

Sell the mini-fridge. I got a mini-fridge, mainly because I am an adult and can do what I want, so to speak. I figured having a fridge upstairs would be cool and fun, but it ended up not actually ever being used. I’d like to sell it on Facebook Marketplace and then use that space to extend my desk, so that I have more room where I work. Having the mini-fridge actually took up far too much space next to my desk and really didn’t actually help all that much.

November Goals

Fix my jacket. As it’s getting warmer, I find myself reaching for my winter coat. I have this beautiful, red, pea coat that lost a button last winter. I believe the button is tucked away somewhere, but I just need to sew it onto the jacket so everything is fixed. This is just one of those tasks that takes literally no time, but for whatever reason it is just not done. If I don’t find the button, I am going to probably purchase a bunch of really nice silver buttons and sew them on instead. Either way, it’s a jacket ready for another year.

I’m hoping to get all of these done throughout the month – hopefully this month doesn’t go by as fast as the previous one! I will probably post one or two posts throughout the month to let you all know how I have gotten on. This post was inspired by Charlotte Musha, who is doing a Linky for November Goals. You should check out her goals and all of the other bloggers participating within the event!

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