Planning an Outdoor Brunch With Your Kids – What Do You Consider?

I have a lot of friends with young kids. In the past few years, we have all started to get more creative about socializing and spending time with our kids at the same time. Not only is this better for our schedules but it’s also a fun way to spend some time outside and in nature! Today I want to talk about how you can plan an outdoor brunch!

Age of Children

Attention Span: Does your child have the attention span to sit through an hour-long brunch? If not, consider breaking up the activities into segments. Also, be sure to keep track of how many times you have to repeat instructions for certain tasks or games.

Interests: What do your kids like to do? Is one more interested in sports than another? Is one more artistic than another? Consider providing activities that cater specifically to each child’s interests. If one loves art, provide paper and crayons; if one loves sports games, provide a soccer ball and/or frisbee; if both love art and sports games, provide paper and crayons as well as a soccer ball for two! You get the idea!

Weather Conditions: Will there be rain on your outdoor party day? This is specifically a pertinent question when you are at a place that gets rains and has high humidity like Geelong. If you refer to the Geelong accurate weather forecasts, you will find that the humidity is on the higher side. You need to factor it in while planning your brunch.

Can you plan around this possibility by having indoor activities available or even moving outdoors later in the day when it dries up (if at all)? Remember that heat can also make someone sleepy so keep this in mind when planning an afternoon event during summertime!

Weather Conditions

Planning an outdoor brunch with your kids is a great way to start a summer day. It’s easy, fun and the food is delicious! But what do you consider when planning? Weather Conditions are important to keep in mind when planning an outdoor event. As a parent, it’s important to be able to read the weather forecast so that you can make informed decisions about where and when your event will take place.  

Check the temperature before deciding on where or when your event happens. If it’s too hot outside for children and guests then take them inside until it cools off again. You’ll also want to check the wind speed. If there is going to be too much wind during the time of day that you have planned then consider moving indoors or holding another time of day altogether (for example, if there are high winds at night but low winds during days).

Humidity levels also affect how comfortable people feel while outside. It is especially children who are more sensitive than adults due to their shorter height which means they’re closer in contact with ground-level temperatures. 

This is opposed to being sheltered by higher buildings or trees like adults would be. This is prevalent if they were standing nearby without sheltering themselves from those same elements by wearing something insulating such as sweaters or jackets!

Theme for Brunch

When planning a brunch, it is important to choose a theme that will be fun for the whole family. A good way to do this is by choosing a theme that will appeal to kids and adults alike. This means that both the food and activities should have universal appeal. You can also make sure that the chosen theme is culturally relevant so that people from different backgrounds can connect with it as well.

Here are some examples of themes for your outdoor brunch:

  • Princess Brunch – why not celebrate your little princesses? Plan ahead so you have time to make princess dresses for each guest or at least buy fancy crowns for them on Amazon!
  • Sports Day Brunch – use sports balls as decorations and make sure there’s enough space outside where everyone can play soccer together!
  • Superhero Party – if you have Superman fans at home, they’ll love this idea!

Outdoor Decorations

Themes can be a great way to set the tone for your party. If you’re going for an outdoor brunch, think about what kind of food would be appropriate for such an occasion. Do you want to have some sort of theme like “an afternoon in the garden” or “a lazy Sunday”? Consider the weather conditions – if it will be cold or raining outside, make sure your guests are prepared with umbrellas and waterproof clothing!

Think about where you’re holding the event – do you have enough space? Will this work out with regards to logistics and accessibility? Is there enough parking available nearby? Think about when: Is there a particular time of day that’s best suited for this type of gathering (e.g., early morning)? Is there anything special that happens later in the day (e.g., sunset) that should factor into things too?

Games and Activities Planned for Children

The first thing to consider when planning games and activities for children is the age of your kids. If you have babies and toddlers, you’ll want to avoid anything that involves climbing or springs, as they are too dangerous for them. You will also have to keep in mind how much time it takes for each game or activity so that it doesn’t take too long, which could discourage other children from participating if they get bored waiting their turn.

Foods and Beverages to Be Served

You’ll want to select foods that are easy to eat with your hands, as well as some options for those with more refined tastes. For example, it’s a good idea to have some finger foods like chicken drumsticks and cut-up pieces of fruit. Fingers will also be great for sandwiches, quesadillas, pita triangles, and other wraps—just remember to provide napkins and wipes!


I hope that you feel encouraged and motivated to get out there and plan your outdoor brunch. It’s a wonderful way to spend a day with family or close friends, and it can be as simple as setting up a picnic in the park or as elaborate as an all-out backyard barbecue. Whatever you decide on doing, make sure it suits the needs of yourself and those around you. And don’t forget the most important aspect of any meal: have fun!

Check out some of our other tips.

4 thoughts on “Planning an Outdoor Brunch With Your Kids – What Do You Consider?

  1. Kitchen Mosaic Backsplash says:

    I love these outdoor brunches, they are the best and so much fun but as you said, they need a lot of preparation…Great tips…

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