Pear Shaped – Frantic, Fast, Matching

Pear Shaped Card Game

[Ad- gifted product] Pear Shaped is the newest addition to our wall of table top games, this time featuring a very unique case for all of your cards! All of the cards are actually shaped like pears and fit inside a giant, bottom heavy pear. This pear actually acts as a timer and a key part of the game, so both the case for this game and the cards themselves are used in playing!

Pear Shaped is pretty simple. Each player gets dealt a bunch of cards. The pear is placed in the middle of the table and a card is turned over. The pear is then spun, so that it can wobble about. Everyone must then rush to play cards! You can play any card that matches an aspect of the card previously put down; color of the background, item on the card or number of items on the card. The person placing down a card needs to announce what grounds they are placing on, as the next card cannot be placed for the same reason. This stops people from putting down a bunch of orange background cards one after another, for example.

If you put down two of the exact same cards in Pear Shaped, you need to call out “It’s All Gone Pear Shaped!” and grab the wobbly pear. This then allows you to take the entire discard and divide it up between the other players. Otherwise, everyone will keep playing until the pear stops moving. Then, players must notice the stopped pear and start pointing and wobbling themselves. Last person to wobble at the pear has to take the discard pile into their pile. You can only hold a set number of cards at a time, so it becomes a challenge to get rid of all your cards first. Whoever does get rid of their pile is the winner after all!

We played Pear Shaped at our local Geek Retreat, while Kai was set up to play DnD. The game itself was very easy to understand, but it’s almost frantic and chaotic to remember the reasons you can place the cards, due to how fast everything is happening. Amelia is extremely good at these types of games, as she can just keep going and placing down cards perfectly. If you are playing with younger ones, like Robin’s age, the game might be stacked against them as they just aren’t as quick – but Robin still had a great time with it, as we don’t really focus on winning and losing, and continue past the point that one person wins! Pear Shaped is an easy game to take with you as well, due to everything fitting in the pear.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

9 thoughts on “Pear Shaped – Frantic, Fast, Matching

  1. karen says:

    These are soooo cute!!! I will buy it for my best friend’s daughter, she would love it for sure….Thanks a lot for the review.

  2. Tammy says:

    This looks like a very cute game not just for the little ones but for the whole family! Card games are so entertaining.

  3. Melanie williams says:

    How fabulous are these pear shaped games a great way to learn and have fun. Also perfect for gifting too Mel x

  4. Rhian scammell says:

    I do love a quick fast paced game although generally my reflexes won’t work fast enough for it haha. Looks like a fun one x

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