Plant Pops – Popped Lotus Seeds Snack | Review

Plant Pops

[Ad- gifted product] I don’t know about you, but we have never eaten lotus seeds before. When Plant Pops reached out, talking about a popped lotus seed snack, I was pretty interested in trying them! They harvest seeds from the waterlily plant- a type of lotus, dry them out, and then roast them so that they pop, becoming a crunchy snack. These snacks are quite low in calorie, vegan, and gluten free. Plant Pops currently offer three flavors: Peanut Butter, Smoked Chilli, and Himalayan Salt. I got to snack on all three!

These lotus seeds almost have a popcorn-like texture, which makes sense as the process seems quite similar. The biggest difference is the Plant Pops do not have the hard shells that popcorn have, you know, the ones that get trapped in your teeth and gums. It’s a much nicer experience. The flavouring on these different snacks are also really nice, with a great amount of seasoning per bite.

Himalayan Salt

Plant Pops

Himalayan Salt, to me, feels like the most ‘original’ type flavor, as it’s just a salted snack. The texture is a mix between popcorn and a rice cracker, which is very pleasing to bite into. They don’t really dissolve like a cheese puff, despite being in a similar shape. I quite like salted as a default flavor, as you can taste the mild flavor of the seed. As it has no flavouring, it’s a very stark white color, looking even more like popcorn!

Smoked Chilli

Plant Pops

Smoked Chilli is my favorite of the three. The heat in this stacks, but it’s not just pure heat, its got a distinct smokey flavor – true to it’s name – which is very enjoyable. Often snacks labelled as chilli are just hot, with no actually flavor development, but these Plant Pops do deliver on both heat and depth of flavor. They are more red in color, so you can see that there is even flavor distribution. It’s a very enjoyable bag that isn’t too hot but is hot enough to tingle slightly in your mouth!

Peanut Butter

Plant Pops

For me, Peanut butter was the wild card in this batch of Plant Pops. Often, peanut butter can be gooy or overwhelming as a flavor. These snacks weren’t very over powering and the taste of peanut butter was present but not stacking. It was a very yummy snack and is sure to be a hit with people who do enjoy the taste of peanut butter a bit more than we did. The small bits of peanuts in the bag was very good too.

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