This month, we have actually moved house! And with moving house, had a bit of an issue when it came to getting all of our addresses updated, so we ended up getting our box quite late in the end. It also took a lot of talking to Pretty Suds‘ customer service, which is delightful and easy to email and communicate with. This theme was “pixels” and as someone who works in games, I was pumped to get the box! As always, this is probably my favorite subscription box and we love adding all of these delicious smelling bath bombs to our bathroom, to be used up on bath days!
Lucky Dip & Bloc Bath Bomb

The Lucky Dip bath bomb is one of the four ghosts from PAC MAN – I got a the yellow PAC MAN character (called Kinky in the game), which is scented with bubble gum – and does smell sweet and like candy. I really like the eyes on this bath bomb and the shape is perfect. It’s such an iconic set of characters! The Bloc Bath Bomb was scented as a bakewell tart – another sweet smelling bomb. This block is clearly from Tetris, being a challenging red T shape. Unlike the other bombs in this box, this bomb has a luster dust on the outside, making it slightly metallic, which adds some fun to our baths!
The Master Sword & 1UP

At first, I kinda of thought that The Master Sword was actually an arrow key, pointing up (like when you play on a keyboard), but with the name of a sword, it’s clearly from a game I need to play more! The scent was paramaviolets, being the more fruity scented bomb in this box as the rest are quite sweet smelling. The other bomb, 1UP, is clearly the Mario star – which makes you invincible in the games. It’s scented as lemon sherbet, again making it quite sweet with lemon tones to it.
First Gen & Bonus Bombs

The absolute coolest bomb from this box is called First Gen, which is a rainbow GameBoy. It’s perfect. I don’t ever want to use it. I love the look of this so much! The scent is Rhubarb and Custard, which is a classic British candy flavor, perfect for such a classic console. I really love the details on this bomb – and it’s actually quite huge! Also, due to the issues previously mentioned, Pretty Suds also sent a few bonus bombs – including a turtle and a blue, circular bomb. These were a lovely surprise.
This month’s Pretty Suds also came in the new both that I mentioned last month – which is quite a lovely looking box. Perfect for gifting! It’s the same design, so these don’t change with the month by the looks of things. The next theme is Desert Island – which might have some bombs similar to the ones we got this month (the turtle for example would fit in well), but we will have to wait and see.
Wow! I loved it, it seems to be a lot of fun 😄
I love these bombs too! So cute.
I love bath bombs and I’ve never heard of this business before but I like the idea of a sub box for bath bombs. I need to definitely get onto this x
It’s a great subscription!
This instantly made me smile when I saw the rainbow game boy. How do I sign up and order these? I love it! Haha, have a great weekend x
You can find them on the link in my article! The gameboy is so cute.
These are so cute. I love bath bombs! I used to love shopping for them when I was younger.
There are so many different designs!
These baths bombs are fab! So colourful and exciting to look at. Then the bath bomb hits the water and it gets even better!
I love watching the water change color.
A bubble gum bath bomb?? That sounds AMAZING!!! I want it!
It’s such a fun scent!
This is an awesome looking box, the Gameboy is a beautiful colour. Once our bath has been fitted I’ll definitely be ordering some goodies x
They are always so colorful and fun each month!
I am
Obsessed with bath bombs , I am absolutely love them and have a huge collection. This looks a cute set !
Honestly, same.
I want this box! So many cute bath bombs these are a must have this summer
They are really adorable!
These are indeed so cool bath bombs! Seeing the designs make me think if I will actually use it or just stare long at these cuties! haha’!
They are so lovely