Ridley’s Giant Bubble set – Perfect for Summer | Review

Ridley's Giant Bubble Set

[Ad- gifted product] Bubbles seem to be a constant at our home. We’ve had so many different bubble wands, bubble machines and bottles of bubbles around. There is something just so magical about watching the spheres, sparkling in the sunlight, moving towards the sky! Robin, in particular, loves to blow bubbles and goes through bubble solution like it’s going out of fashion. When we received Ridley’s Giant Bubble Set, she was delighted to have some new wands to play with!

This bubble set comes with two wands, a bottle of bubble solutions and a tray so that you can dip your wands. One of the wands is a classic favorite – a circular bubble wand with loads of little and big circles on it. We actually have a wand just like this, as it creates both large bubbles through it’s middle and tiny bubbles through the outsides. It’s a great wand, one that children are always asking for a turn on, and perfect for dipping and running around the yard, creating a trail of bubbles as you move. We were delighted to have two, as that means that Robin and Amelia each have their own.

The star wand in Ridley’s Giant Bubble Set was lovely looking! It’s a giant star, that’s quite pen and easy to dip. This wand is one that you need to blow instead of run with, as the star in ours kept popping off when Robin ran around, but could easily snap back in place. What we will probably end up doing is gluing the star into place, so that it’s more sturdy, but it might just have been an issue with our star.

The colors of this set were really nice and vibrant. The tray is good and flat, which means it will probably get far more use in our home as we are always getting rid of these trays that don’t sit flat. We very quickly got through our bubble mix, but that’s always the way with bubbles. As the summer sun is coming out, you’ll probably find yourself looking for a good bubble set, and at ÂŁ10, this one isn’t a bad one to pick up.

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145 thoughts on “Ridley’s Giant Bubble set – Perfect for Summer | Review

  1. Tracy Nixon says:

    This looks so much fun! New follower of your blog – both you and Dann look a lovely couple! And I just love your name, Jupiter!

  2. Lisa says:

    I don’t think you can beat a bubble wand and a big bottle of bubble solution for hours of endless fun – no matter what age you are! 🙂

  3. Dare K says:

    Oooh, what a great idea. We’re having a family party this Summer to celebrate lock-down’s release. This would be great for the children

  4. Patricia Avery says:

    This would be great for when we eventually have the grandchildren with us again. Lots of giggles guaranteed!

  5. Maria Jane Knight says:

    Its my son’s birthday on May 18th and he’d have hours of fun in the garden with this giant bubbles set!!!

  6. Dell says:

    My Nieces wouldhave so much fun with this, i brought them a push along bubble machine but with tiny bubbles so they would love popping the big bubbles.

  7. Susan B says:

    I confess to being a parent bubbles fan! The cats love them, too, even though intended for children. This is a fab set.

  8. Heather Morrison says:

    Ahh we’re lovers of bubble here! Only in the garden though cos my boys just pour them on the floor!

  9. Victoria Prince says:

    I love bubbles 🙂 they are so simple, so timeless and so much fun! Especially the gigantic ones

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