Smash Down – Quick Trivia Fun

[Ad- gifted product] If you’re a fan of trivia, but want to even out the playing field, Smash Down is a fantastic, fast paced, trivia game where you need to physically find the answers on a large board. The board itself is made of four panels, which can be rotated around or even all flipped, to use the other side of the question cards, so just knowing the answer will not be enough.

We played Smash Down as a family one Saturday morning, starting off with the boards set to the “colored” side. This means that the questions we were finding the answer to were read from the card’s colored side as well. Pretty easy to remember! Each player gets a colored pointer finger. One player then reads out the question, everyone else scrambles to find the answer and point at it with their finger and yell Smash Down! Whoever finds the correct answer first gets the card, then the deck is passed and the next player becomes the card reader.

It’s a pretty simple and straightforward game, where the fun is really in being fast and knowing trivia! We have a big range of ages in our household, from 8 years old to 38, but the trivia itself was all stuff that everyone knew the answers too; things like “what color does blue and yellow make mixed together” and “what country is known for pizza and pasta” – easy trivia that feels perfect for all ages. We really appreciated this, as sometimes trivia games can either be too easy for adults or too challenging for young ones. The added objective of needing to find the word that answers the question does really make the game feel super equal, because often knowing the answer just isn’t enough.

When someone was starting to memorize the board well, Amelia was particularly good at this, the card master would start moving the panels around, making it so that you couldn’t quite remember where things were again. After a while, we even switched the board over to the black side and started using those trivia cards, which seemed slightly easier than the colored background according to Kai and Amelia, though I believe we had just had a bunch of practice in the game and that’s what made it easier!

Smash Down is a very simple game to explain, set up and play. I quite enjoy the trivia on the cards and the fact that you need to find the answer, which makes it fun for all ages! We all agreed to play this game again soon.

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5 thoughts on “Smash Down – Quick Trivia Fun

  1. Ben says:

    An evened-out playing field is exactly what I need for trivia games. I love the information I learn when I play them, but I generally feel very stupid. LOL

  2. karen says:

    oh this is so cool!!! We literally have 50 plus board games, kids love them, and we do too. I will check Smash Down, it seems so much fun and engaging.

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