Stanley the Dragon – Children’s Story Book | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Unicorns, dragons and other mythical creatures often come up in our home. Robin and Amelia love talking about fantasy characters and creatures, who seem so real but far away. That’s why, we often gravitate towards mythical creatures when we are reading story books! Stanley the Dragon is a story about a dragon – with some beautiful illustrations to accompany the book – so it didn’t take long for the children to notice and select it from our reading pile!

Stanley the Dragon

Stanley the Dragon is about a dragon, who did lots of dragon things like kidnap princesses and fight knights, gather treasure and breath fire on the nation. He did them for years, but found that there was still a lot missing from his life. Going out to try and figure out how to make amends with nations he had been cruel too, he meets a dove who shows him how to be loving, caring, and interact with humans in a peaceful way. The book continues to talk about how fulfilling it is to be nice to everyone, and how you can gain so much more from kindness then you could from being a beast.

Stanley the Dragon is beautifully written, with rhyming throughout. The illustrations are equally beautiful, in a style we don’t often feature in our own library often. Everything looks hand drawn or sketched, with marks showcasing it being colored in – Amelia said it was like her drawings – which she had not seen in a book before, and for that reason really enjoyed flipping through the pages and having a look at how the dragon, dove, and people looked. I also feel the messaging in Stanley the Dragon is really good. Often we read about dragons pillaging and fighting, and don’t question them – but reading a story about how they did that because it’s what they knew, but decided something else would make them more happy, is a better story and shows that dragons (and people!) can change. That hurting people, even if it’s what you are known to do, isn’t good, and that you can forgive people who hurt you if they try to make things better. There are a lot of great messages here.

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24 thoughts on “Stanley the Dragon – Children’s Story Book | Review


    My son loves anything with dragons. This sounds like a really lovely children’s book. I might look into getting him one for Christmas.

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