Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident and How a Lawyer Can Assist You

According to the Insurance Information Institute, 89,000 motorcycle accidents are reported across the United States each year.

Lake Charles motorcycle accident attorney Michael K. Cox says that a motorcycle rider is more prone to accidents than other motor vehicles on the road. Serious neck and back injuries or even fatalities are common after a motorcycle accident. 

In this article, you will learn the significant role that a motorcycle accident lawyer plays in helping you understand and fight for your rights after an accident. 

Ensure Your Safety and Seek Medical Attention

Always prioritize your safety and get immediate medical treatment following a motorcycle accident.

Check yourself for any injuries. See a doctor to detect any underlying injuries or internal bleeding. Do not forget to check on the other victims, if any.

Provide all relevant information to emergency services when they arrive on the scene. Giving them accurate and detailed information will allow them to assess the situation and administer appropriate medical treatment to you. Go to an emergency room for a thorough check-up. 

Document the Accident Scene

Documenting the scene of the accident is important if immediate help is not available after the accident. 

Take clear photos of your motorcycle, the other vehicles involved, and possible injuries. Photograph the surrounding environment, traffic signals, road conditions, and any skid marks. These pictures can provide additional insight about the situation. 

Record the time, location, and weather conditions at the time of accident. This information could influence your compensation claim. 

Collect contact information from potential witnesses and ask them for a brief statement of what they saw. 

Your lawyer will use the evidence you provided to establish and demonstrate a clear link between your injuries and the accident. 

Notify Your Insurance Company

Inform your insurance company right away about all important facts and details of the accident. Submit all relevant documents, including police reports, medical records, and any other paperwork you have gathered.

Time is an important element. Most policies specify a time frame for reporting accidents. Knowing the deadline will keep your case from being jeopardized.

Understand Your Legal Rights and Options

Knowing their rights and entitlements helps motorcycle accident victims make informed decisions that protect their well-being. 

You have the right to seek compensation for damages and expenses related to medical treatments, lost wages, and emotional disturbance. State law may affect the extent of your compensation claims. Some states follow the “no-fault” rule, which allows people to file insurance claims regardless of who was responsible for the accident. 

Maintaining good records will help you achieve a favorable outcome if you decide to pursue legal action. 

Hire a Skilled Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When a motorcycle accident causes injury to someone, it is important to get legal help. The complexity of state laws regarding motorcycle accidents requires the expertise of a skilled motorcycle accident injury attorney. 

Motorcycle accident lawyers can provide legal help through their knowledge and familiarity with the legal challenges associated with motor accident cases. They handle settlement negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf so you can focus on your healing and recovery. They will act as your primary legal representative if your case goes to court.

Uphold your rights and guarantee your safety by investing in a motorcycle accident lawyer who can provide advice and legal guidance. 

Check out some of our other tips articles.

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