Exploring Flatford for Lunch

[Ad- gifted experience] The world seems to be defrosting, cold mornings are no longer here, and birds have started to come out in full force! With the opening of Flatford’s tea room, Dann and I decided to check out this National Trust site to see how it defrosted along with the rest of the world. We have not previously been to Flatford before and were curious as there were a lot of things to see there.

River Stour

Flatford has a beautiful river you can walk along or go over, called River Stour. It had been raining lately when we went, so the river itself was absolutely gushing, which was very fun to walk along and see. They have a few locks along the river, along with benches to sit and bird watch on it. The field around the river had some flooding, so a lot of the ducks and geese had been exploring this new pond of theirs, but there were plenty of wildlife around. It’s actually a fantastic place to go bird watching!

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Exploring Kentwell Hall Light Trail

Dann has been talking about Kentwell Hall for as long as I have known him. He went there in school, as some sort of tudor thing, and has always mentioned it when talking about school trips or interesting things at school, though he didn’t know it was Kentwell Hall, until we went there with Claire and her partner David, as a little double date out at light trails! Claire had picked out this location as she had seen the light trail and wanted to check it out. The light trail itself was very interesting!

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Double Date at Illuminate Ipswich

We clearly go to a lot of light trails around the month of December, and every year we make an effort to go to one with our lovely friend Claire. This time she brought along her partner as a lovely double date, walking around the lights! We went to Illuminate Ipswich, which is a new light trail this year, so we haven’t been previously. We went midweek, at the end of the night, so there weren’t many people about either.

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Exploring Pleasurewood Hills Family Theme Park

A few years back, when on holiday in Great Yarmouth, we went to Yarmouth Pleasure Beach. Since then, we’ve wanted to check out their sort of sister park; Pleasurewood Hills. Pleasurewood Hills Family Theme Park is meant to be a long-standing, classic amusement park perfect for the whole family. The park itself opened in 1983, so there are some classic rides that can be found there.

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Ickworth’s Light Nights | Wintertime Light Walks

Each and every year, Dann, Claire and I all go to a wintertime light walk, checking out all of the Christmas decorations and feeling the festive season. This year, Claire picked out Ickworth’s Light Nights, which isn’t particularly Christmas-themed, and felt very unique to other light walks we’ve previously been on!

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