The Body Shop Mini-Haul | Review

The Body Shop

Now that we have been in isolation for a while, I’ve been impulse buying! I am sure many others are doing the same, but surrounded by advertisements tailored for exactly what I want with nowhere to go in the evenings have made for some great shopping hauls. I normally get a variety of bath products from Lush, but as they are no longer operating until the pandemic is over, I went looking for something new for my baths. Feeling a bit more into self-care, I picked up a few products beyond my usual body butter from The Body Shop to play around with.

Berry Bath Blend

The Body Shop

First, I wanted some bubble bath! I haven’t had a bubble bath in a long time, but as Lush is my go-to for bath bombs, I wanted to switch things up for a bit. This Berry Bath Blend bottle of bubbles smells like fruit and candy – so delicious. The directions state that you should put 1/4th of the bottle into your bath, but I didn’t want to use them all up so quickly, so I put a few big splashes of it into the running water, which made more than enough bubbles for me. The water turned a lovely pink and the bath smelt amazing. It’s one of those little relaxing things that feels childish and like a kid again, but that is really lovely and refreshing. This bubble bath aims to hydrate your skin, which it certainty did, as my skin felt very soft and nice afterwards.

Mango Bath Blend

The Body Shop

Going along with the idea of a bubble bath, I also grabbed the Mango Bath Blend, as I do love mango and knew everyone would enjoy these two bubbles. Much like the previous bubble bath, I did not use the recommended 1/4th of the bottle – but it was still enough bubbles for me. These bubbles weren’t as much of a stratifying colour, but the smell was less of candy and more of the tropics, which is super enjoyed. This bubble bath also made my skin feel great and the smell stuck around for a nice amount of time which was really lovely. It’s a great bubble blend, no matter which scent you prefer.

Coconut Bath Bubble Bar

The Body Shop also has different bubble bars, so since my cart was already loaded with some bubbles, I wanted to try and see how this bar worked. I’ve not used a bath bar previously, but figured the Coconut Bath Bubble Bar would be good. I didn’t know what to expect as I had not heard of The Body Shop’s bath bubble bars. Unlike the Lush bubble bars, these bars aren’t crumbled and instead are put under the running water, where they then slowly foam and produce bubbles. Many, many bubbles are made and this bar doesn’t just disappear fast. It lasted for the entire bath, not really breaking down like a bath bomb would. These are single use, but are quite cheap too, and do provide a lot of bubbles!

Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask

Despite getting mainly a bunch of bath products, one of the other reasons I was shopping at The Body Shop was to grab a face mask. I’ve been craving a spa day, and face masks are just perfect for that! I picked out the Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask from their large collection of different masks for different uses. This is a clay mask, containing bamboo charcoal, green tea leaves and organic tea tree oil. The mask did tingle when I put it on, but it felt really nice. After letting the mask dry, I scrubbed it off, which was an easy process. The mask really did draw out a lot of spots that had been sitting at the surface and left my face feeling clean, smelling good. The face mask is one I have enjoyed very much and has been one of my favorites. There is a lot of product in the jar too, so it’s very worth the price.

This was my little haul from The Body Shop! Doing a little bit more self-care and enjoying my time in the bath has been great, and I really have enough the switch to bubbles.

Check out our other reviews.

14 thoughts on “The Body Shop Mini-Haul | Review

  1. Bexa says:

    Those bubble baths sound amazing and I love that they look like smoothie bottles too! I love the sound of ‘Mango’ especially as it has a tropical scent – perfect! I have tried the Charcoal mask before and remember it left my skin feeling really soft and refreshed, great product! Thanks for sharing your goodies, it’s always lovely to have an ‘at home’ spa day! <3 xx

    Bexa |

  2. Lindsey says:

    Ooh I’m so excited to try out their new bath range and it sounds like it’s definitely worth it. I love the Himalayan scrub as well, but have to make sure I don’t use it too often as it is quite strong. Hmm, now I’m feeling a splurge coming on… Great post!

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