The New Selfie Bag from Cotton Bag Co | Review

Selfie Bag

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

After reviewing the previous Selfie Bag from Cotton Bag Co, I was really excited to see they were doing a new and improved version! I do take a lot of selfies, which you can always find on Twitter or Instagram.  Like most of the people from my generation, I love taking pictures of myself and sharing my thoughts and feelings with the world. The new Selfie Bag is basically a tool kit to take the best selfies while on the go and at events – which is the best place to take pictures, really, as it shows a bunch of different places and stories about your life. Let’s get into the bag;

The Bag Itself

Starting with literally the bag, this bag is so well designed. I really love the beige canvas bag, highlighted by a lovely design of eyes, with pops of peach and blue. It looks so on-trend and sophisticated, much like the previous bag, which allows you to take it out whenever and use it however you’d like. Inside the bag, there is a small pocket that can hold your keys, wallet and other easy access items, as well as a long pocket that’s the perfect size for a selfie stick! Most bags don’t have a pocket for a selfie stick, so digging around to pull yours out can be a chore. Having this pocket really keeps the bag organised. Along the inside of the bag, there is a loop with a caravan clip to a small circular inner bag, which holds a fold-out, pop up reflector, which we will talk about in a bit. Beyond that, there is the middle cavity, which is quite big. The entire bag also zips up, which I really like, as it keeps everything feeling nice and safe.

Selfie Stick

The selfie stick within the bag is something I now use quite often! It’s super easy to set up, using blue tooth to connect to your phone. There is a little removable remote, so you can either clip that in and use the entire stick as a stick, or set up the stick like a tripod and use the button to take full body pictures from further away. I use to think that selfie sticks looked a bit silly, but they are so helpful when you need to take pictures alone or have big groups! A great example of this was the full body shots at Mermaid lessons – without this stick, I wouldn’t have been able to actually get full body pictures on my own. In groups, at events, you can easily get even the shortest person in your photo, without much effort at all.

Selfie Ring Light & Reflective Panel

This bag has a selfie ring light, which can easily be clipped onto your phone. This also comes with a USB charging cable, in case you need to charge it up a bit! This clip is very bright, as one would expect with a ring light. If it’s winter in the UK, or you need a bit of extra light and can’t get natural light. There are three settings on the clip, getting brighter and brighter as you push the button. I also like the branding in this – which matches the bag and includes a little eye. This reflective panel is also great for lighting – but instead uses natural lighting to highlight your features. Unlike the previous bag, this one can be removed from the bag and is circular, which makes a real difference when being able to position the panel and move it about. It’s very easy to fold back up into the small circle and get back into the bag too.

Overall, the new Selfie Bag from Cotton Bag Co, is really a great upgrade and has so much more to offer than the previous bag! This bag also came with a little booklet telling you all about tips and tricks to take the best selfies – including tips and tricks from myself! It’s been an honour to be included in the bag and to work with this company.

Check out our other reviews.

4 thoughts on “The New Selfie Bag from Cotton Bag Co | Review

  1. L - Franglais27 says:

    I would never have imagined that there would be a bag thst makes the practicalities of taking selfies so much easier. It sounds as though it works as a good camera bag generally whilst holidaying or just on an solo activities. The ring light sounds like a brilliant idea too!

    • Jupiter says:

      It’s a great general use bag! I have my notebooks, planner, water bottle and daily stuff in mine – along with the selfie products.

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