Tomojo Cat Discovery Box | Review


All of my life, I have heard whisperings about someday having to eat bugs as the main source of protein. I’ve actually known a handful of people who used bug protein as a main part of their diet, but it is not something I have personally ever tried or even experimented with. When it comes to Pancake, our lovely cat, he already eats bugs! The little guy will chase, hunt down, and promptly eat any bug given to him, so when it comes to eating bugs, I’ve left it for him.

Tomojo is a new cat and dog food brand that has food completely made of bug protein. The reason behind this has to do with our environment – the production of their pet food uses fewer precious resources – less agricultural space and water, and there is less greenhouse gas production in the creation of this type of food, when compared to meat-based products. Their foods do not have any growth hormones or antibiotics either. As most of their make-up is made from bugs, there food is also grain free. It’s a great pet food brand if your cat has allergies or is intolerant to anything, as this food is made quite differently.

Tomojo Cat Silk Fur Discovery Box

I picked out the Tomojo Cat Silk Fur box – as they do have two options – which is meant to have treats that can make your cat’s fir super soft over time There is a second box which helps with your cat’s pee, but Pancake didn’t really need that. This box came with two portions of food, a massive treat bag, and a natural toy. Unlike other online subscriptions or cat food brands, there wasn’t any information given about my cat, his current diet, or anything like that. Instead, I just ordered the box and waited for it to arrive.

The food itself is in small pellets, much like any other dry food, and Pancake ate it right up. He always gets excited about new food, even dry food, so it wasn’t a surprise that he ate the first lot quickly. The second bag, however, he did continue to much on over time – like he would at a normal rate when eating his food – so he seemed to enjoy it enough. The Tomojo dry food didn’t have much of a smell or look to it – probably due to being made of bugs – but went down well for him.

The treats, however, do smell very meaty. When I opened the packet, I was actually quite surprised that it smelled so much like beef or meat. They are small pellets that are almost heart shaped. As all of the packaging is in French, I couldn’t see a serving size, but I gave Pancake a couple as they were small. He seemed to enjoy the main food better then these treats, but still welcomed the treats non-the-less!

My main issue with Tomojo is the shipping. This box almost doubled in price after shipping was added to it, which is probably an issue for me because I am in the UK and they are based in France, however, it’s still something worth considering when purchasing any food. I like the general idea of switching to more sustainable brands, and Pancake does already eat bugs, so it makes sense for him to have some food that does less harm to the environment. I also understand the benefits for those who have allergy prone pets, as that can be a really tricky time.

It’s worth noting that all of the information in the box is in French and this box came with a little thank you gift of paper that you can plant to see flowers grow. This is pretty cute, but I do sort of wish it was cat grass instead of flowers!

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our cat, Pancake, in his category.

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