Triyit Box – Snacks, Treats, Cat Food & More

[Ad- gifted product] The Triyit Box is not a subscription box. Instead, it’s a way for companies to send out new food ranges or food they want feedback on and get feedback from people who might be interested in these products. I got a survey about a potential match, filled it out, and ended up qualifying for a box! This box had a strange mix of cat stuff, treats and drinks. Once you are done trying out the box, you need to fill out a lengthy survey on a bunch of different aspects of the things that you have tried.

Skinny Mallo – Chocolate and Vanilla

Skinny Mallo is a new product that has just launched in B&M stores. It’s got two flavor; Vanilla and Chocolate, and I got one of each. At first, because I didn’t have the box and instead just had the bars, I was convinced this was a marshmallow. However, it’s more like a less sweet rice crispy treat. It’s not overly sweet and the chocolate bar doesn’t have a hugely chocolate flavor, which I suppose makes sense. They feel like a good grab-and-go type bar, or good for a packed lunch, and it’s lower in calories too.

Brutal Fruit Cider – Ruby Apple

I tried the Brutal Fruit Cider in the flavor Ruby Apple fresh from our fridge, nice and cold. It’s a cider that does taste a lot like an apple cider, if you know what I mean. Dann tried this too and really enjoyed it – he is more of a cider person than me – and he found the apple flavor to be very smooth and delicious. It’s a drink he’d likely have again, which is a good sign.

Highland Spring – Apple and Blackcurrant

We’ve actually had Highland Spring water before, in Strawberry. I actually really enjoy Strawberry! It’s normally sweet and fruity, while feeling more like a water than a juice. As I hate Blackcurrant (probably the American in me) I gave this to Amelia and Kai. They both enjoy this brand and have had this flavored water before as well. They drank it up!

The Fruit Factory – Fruit Twists

Perfect for this time of year, we got this box right before we started packing lunches. These Fruit Twists have been a real hit with all three of our children, but especially with Robin. They are a bit challenging to pull apart, but two come in each of the individual packs and they have different strings of different flavors, which is very fun. We’ve been putting them in our back lunches and they’ve become a staple.

Webbox – Lick e Lix Chicken

Another product we have had a few times before, Webbox is our go-to brand for cat treats. Pancake, Pesto and Popcorn were delighted to have a few chicken Lick e Lix to eat. Pancake does get impatient and starts chewing on the packaging, so I often have to put his on a plate, but Popcorn can be fed right out of the tube. All three of them really enjoyed it, of course, as who doesn’t love treats!

Blink! – Tuna and Chicken

This isn’t the first time we’ve received Blink! cat food in our TriyIt box. When it comes to cat food, our cats do all enjoy wet food, but Blink! just hasn’t done it for them. From a cat-parent perspective, I find that this cat food doesn’t really look like meat or food, and instead looks really strange. We got Tuna and Chicken, with all three of the cats preferring the tuna. They did make a mess with this, but enjoyed it.

B-Calm CBD Pet Bed Spray

This was a bit of a wild turn for our Triyit Box. We got a B-Calm CBD Pet Bed Spray, which you can spray directly on your pet’s bed. It’s meant to keep them calm and reduce their stress. It’s THC free. We put it on our cat tower, where all three of our cats often play and sleep. None of them seemed bothered by it, though Pancake and Pesto are quite calm cats. Popcorn has been more calm and relaxed since as well!

That was our entire Triyit Box this time! We are pretty excited for our next one as well.

Check out our other reviews!

19 thoughts on “Triyit Box – Snacks, Treats, Cat Food & More

  1. Lisa says:

    This is a fun service and there are some cool items inside. I like the look of the cider and the mallow bars. It’s cool they have some items for pets too, it’s a great idea really.

  2. Melanie E says:

    I saw your post on Instagram and came over for a nosey. It looks like a great selection of products. I’d love to try that cider, that sounds yummy!

  3. Melissa Cushing says:

    What a cool box and I want to qualify to try for myself! What a cool collection of items you got to try….and I am loving the CBD calm spray for the pets beds. I need that for my rescue dog Jax!

  4. Rhian Scammell says:

    I’ve tried some of the skinny bars before but hadn’t heard of the mellows; will need to keep an eye on them. I love how there were treats for the cats as well, my boys love trying new things x

  5. Melanie williams says:

    Ooo now this looks like a right little box of goodies. I mean the cider instantly caught my eye. what a great way to git goodies to family and friends xx

  6. Clarice says:

    This is awesome! I love that there are cat products available. I am particularly interested with the B-Calm CBD Pet Spray since our little furball is getting a little bit older and I hope she’ll find her bed a little more relaxing.

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