What’s Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Covid-19 has really changed life for everyone around the globe in the last few months, from shops changing entire layouts to children needing to be home schooled. It’s a complex topic, especially for children who are experiencing a pandemic without much of an understand as to what is going on. Three mothers wanted a more simple way to explain the pandemic to their children, and thus, What’s Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John was created.

What's Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John

This children’s story book is written about the current pandemic – with small hints towards day-to-day changes, as well as bigger questions that people all over the world have been asking about. Through the point of view of Belinda, who is wondering why her grandfather has a mask on or why there is nobody at the park, it’s a calm take at the world, allowing children to understand that these questions are normal and their answers aren’t very scary at all. What’s Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John is also a stunning book, with beautiful drawings brought to life with watercolor, capturing the joy in people clapping from their balconies and interacting from a distance – bringing happiness in computer interactions with family members who use to stop by each week.

What's Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John

In a time with so much going on, a book like this is so needed – it’s comforting and brings a lot of color and joy to what is going on. What’s Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John answers all of the questions that are being raised by younger generations, and does so with grace and beauty. There is quite a bit of talk around lifting lock down and the virus going away, but despite this, questions are still being asked as the idea of a second surge comes. This is a book worth having – it perfectly talks about the current pandemic and showcases the positives in it.

You can purchase What’s Going On? Asked Belinda Fitz-John on Amazon.

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