Wubble is so much more than a normal ball


[Ad- gifted product] I feel like I have seen advertisements for the Wubble for years now. I am not sure why I have spent so long thinking it was just a giant ball, and that we had tons of those. Robin recently asked for a Wubble, as she told me it was much more than a ball, and something that is more like a bubble in texture, somehow. Though she is only seven and sometimes is not someone to completely trust, Robin was very right – the Wubble is much more than a ball.

The Wubble is a sort of jelly-like ball that you can really squeeze and bat at and throw. It’s a really satisfying texture, which feels like you almost could pop it, but at the same time like it won’t ever pop. An ever-lasting bubble that you can jiggle, play with, and throw around. Amelia and Robin both really love the Wubble, playing with it tons and tons over the last few days. It’s massive, and acts as an outdoor toy in our house, which feels fun to play with on the trampoline.

The Wubble is very easy to pump up, but does require some extra things that do not come with the deflated toy. You do need a pump of some kind, we used an electric air pump, though you can likely use one of those manual pumps if you have it. The Wubble comes with an adaptor, which can be fitted on the end of the pump, so that it can go into the toy to fill it full of air. The instructions also say you should likely add petroleum jelly to the hole in the Wubble, so that you can easily get the adaptor into the toy so that it can be filled up quickly. Once the toy is filled, you can then remove the adaptor and place one of the provided stickers onto the opening, just in case. There are two of these included into the pack. It is worth noting that the instructions state you can blow up this toy to “under 80m” but I do not know how big that is.

I will say that the Wubble actually does get dirty quite quickly, as it is prone to picking up dirt and dried grass, but at the same time, you can easily rinse the toy off and continue playing with it. The texture and sort of bubble-ness of the Wubble makes it a really fun outdoor children’s toy, and there really isn’t anything like this type of ball either. I cannot express how wrong I was about this ball, which I thought was just like a clear one, and instead is much more like a fun bubble to play around with that will never pop.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

13 thoughts on “Wubble is so much more than a normal ball

  1. Lisa says:

    My niece would really love this Wubble! It is much more than a ball and I can see her running around the garden and playing for hours with this.

  2. MELANIE E says:

    This sounds like such a great toy and one that would keep kids entertained for many hours over the summer holidays. I love that it won’t ever pop.

  3. Marie Cris Angeles says:

    This is the perfect toy for my niece. He loves bubbles and balloons so much. I’m sure they will enjoy playing this Wubble.

  4. Tammy says:

    Looks like a fun toy my brother and I would have enjoyed when we were younger! A great pastime for the little ones!

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