2021 Goals

2020 is nearly over, and as I have done a goals list last year, I felt like maybe I should do one this year! Looking back to January, I had no idea that there was going to be a global pandemic, and that really threw most of my life in a bit of a twist – much like I am sure it did for everyone. Regardless of that, the majority of my goals were actually achieved. I was able to get a new car, we are well on the way to moving to our new house, I did record more video games for Youtube and I was able to do some virtual volunteering and donating of my time. The only thing I don’t feel I achieved was getting a new tattoo – but I didn’t really feel comfortable getting a tattoo during a global pandemic!

There was actually a lot of non-goals that I have achieved, which I am pretty proud of. I passed my theory test on my first try this year, I celebrated one year of dating Dann, I went on a mini-weekend-away for my birthday which was really fun. I cooked so many new recipes, went on many, many new adventures, and I even dabbled in homeschooling and learned a lot through that. I’ve also watched a lot of movies, something I haven’t previously ever done, so it’s great to expand my cultural knowledge in something not video games. We did blogtober and blogmas perfectly, collabed with so many brands, and just generally thrived. I always said 2020 was going to be my year, and it seemed like despite everything going on in the world, it was a pretty good year.

This year, is once again, starting like last year – but that’s okay. Maybe all years sort of start the same way. It’s looking to be a pandemic-full year, which I now feel I have adjusted too, so I am ready to take it on. I want my goals this year to focus on building better habits. It turns out that a lot of habits I have aren’t that great, so looking to work for an entire year towards building better habits would be pretty good for me! As everything is a bit up in the air when it comes to how much of a lockdown we will be in this year, I want these goals to be achievable, even if working from home and not going to crowded events indoors is the new normal forever.

Let’s dive into some goals.

Start a Skincare Routine: I have gotten into face masks this year – I really enjoy pampering and taking care of my skin. With that in mind, I want to start a skincare routine and stick to it. I’ve purchased a bunch of products to start a simple routine, and hopefully my skin will be better off for it. Who knows, maybe this will lead to me covering more beauty products in the future.

Drink more water: Something everyone says you should do, but that I never do. I want to work towards waking up every morning and drinking a big cup of water. I feel like that’s a very good start and hopefully will lead to actually drinking water throughout the day. I feel that this will not only help my skin but help the rest of my body as well.

Find ways to get outdoors: I have purchased a National Trust membership for this year, in hopes of getting out and about more. I spent a lot of the last year confused about what can be done when you cannot go to indoor spaces. I am not the type of person that can be cooped up at home ALL the time. I like exploring and being apart of amazing and wonderful events. This year, I am hoping to explore loads of places that are included in the National Trust pass and beyond.

Spend time learning BSL: I actually know a bunch of PSE (American sign language) but I have not spent much time learning BSL, and probably should. I am hoping to spend some time each week learning this year in hopes of getting a better understanding of BSL.

Though, these are less goals then I had last year, there are a lot of big changes that we are planning for in 2021 – from expanding our family to settling in the UK, there is so much going on. I am sure we will continue to post at least three times a week on the blog – we actually have so many different posts pending (some of which are less relevant due to lockdown) and are playing around with a site re-design coming soon too. I plan on continuing cooking fun food, taking part in adventures and generally being me!

Onward to 2021, a new year full of new adventures.

This post is a part of our Blogmas series, with each and every post being about Christmas or Winter.

16 thoughts on “2021 Goals

  1. Nancy says:

    Happy New Year!! Congratulations on celebrating your one year anniversary! Good luck with all of your goals for 2021. So important to have a proper skincare routine!! Love that you’re trying to go outdoors more. I haven’t heard of BSL before but always good to know!! Hope you’ll have a great 2021!

    Nancy ✨ mdrnminimalists.com

  2. Hannah Louise says:

    Happy New Year and congrats on your anniversary! I love all the goals you’ve got here, I’ve been a National Trust member for a couple of years now and it’s such a fab way to get out and get moving!

  3. Literary Express says:

    This is a superbly written, awe-inspiring post. We’re glad to learn you had a lovely year. Stay blessed! And may you have a fabulous decade!

    • Jupiter says:

      PSE uses American Sign Language, which is completely different. The structure is different too. PSE would be using the same words as ASL, but the structure is different. It’s like saying “I will go to the shop” and “Shop go later I” – starting with the main concept and building on it.

  4. Britt K says:

    You have some great goals. Honestly, getting outdoors camping, hiking, canoeing and kayaking kept me from going completely insane throughout 2020. It gave me a chance to escape everything that was going on in the world and just ‘be’ in that moment.
    I’ve always wanted to learn sign language. Maybe this is the year that I’ll be able to sit down and dig into that? I’m sure there are some great resources online to get me started.

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