5 Ways to Maximize Your Patio

Summer is in full swing and with not a lot of options to get out, our back gardens have become a great escape to the outdoor world! Our garden has it’s own tile patio, before moving into our grass area. Patios are often overlooked, but now that it’s bright out and you’ve got time to spend in your garden, it’s a great time to use your patio and set up your backyard to be your own little escape from your home!

Grout Your Tiles

If you have tiles like we do, you probably have weeds growing in between the cracks. These weeds and bits of grass can really make your patio look overrun, and an overrun space isn’t somewhere I’d want to spend a lot of time too. Though grouting your tiles can be a lot of work, it’s well worth it! We took to grouting our tiles this year by scraping out all of the routs and plants, hitting all of the tiles with water, then adding cement along the cracks, sealing it up completely. Once you have your grout in and set, there is no need to weed, no need to pull up grass and the tiles will look lovely. This does take a bit of commitment and time, but it will save you so much time in the long run!

Outdoor Rugs

Outdoor rugs are something I had never quite considered or even thought off, but once you see them in your space, you will understand why they are so nice! There are plenty of durable outdoor rugs that can take the weather while looking fantastic and dividing up your patio space. You can define where the seating is, where you can casually lounge, and create a secondary area for grilling or for something more fun if you get a GaGa Ball Pit, making the area good for adults and kids alike.. In addition to the rug, placing some luxury rattan furniture can take the space to a whole new level, but adding these rugs makes the space feel more permanent and continues your indoor space outdoors.

Potted Plants

Even if you have plants in your garden, it’s good to get some potted plants up on your patio. Potted plants that are outdoors can take less care and work, as well as be more durable than indoor plants. You’ll still need to take care of these plants, but you can move them inside during the winter and let them get some rain during the rainy seasons. These plants will help transition from your patio to your backyard, especially if you have flowers in your backyard which are the same type or colors as your potted plants.

BBQ Area

Even better then sitting out on a nice sunny day is eating outside on a nice sunny day! You can define a BBQ area on your patio by getting a good sized grill and placing some outdoor tables on your patio. This will allow you to cook your food outside as well, which is a plus in the summertime as making your home too warm needs to be avoided at all cost. This will also give your patio another purpose, so you can use it even more.

Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes and other bugs can be a big downside when it comes to spending time on your patio. Luckily, you can purchase some mosquito-repelling candles, which will both light up the area at night with a lovely glow and keep away the nasty bugs!

If you’re dealing with an ant infestation in your garden, it can be a frustrating and time-consuming process to get rid of them. One effective solution is to call a professional pest control service for Ant Removal Nashville, as they can safely and efficiently remove the ants from your property. With their expertise and specialized equipment, you can have peace of mind knowing that the ant problem will be taken care of in a timely and effective manner.

You can combine candles with some outdoor lighting if you want to make this a nighttime escape as well as a place to hang out in the daytime. Getting rid of bugs will keep your patio useful without having the annoying aspects of being outside. If you are looking for a more permanent solution, consider reaching out to Nampa Pest Control for a consultation on how to effectively control the bug population in your outdoor space.

Hopefully, with these tips you can upgrade your backyard space and make the most of it this summer!

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