Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat for Cats and Dogs

[Ad- gifted product] Pancake, of course, is a big fan of treats. He’s a soppy cat that loves trying everything at least once. He is a huge fan of paste-based food and loves trying licky licks as treats, so we were delighted to try Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat – a liver paste that is made for both cats and dogs. This treat is premium liver paste, put together in a tube, for you to squeeze out and give to your pets!

Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat

The first squeeze of the tubes were a bit oily, which did get outside the tube and had to be wiped off, however, Pancake was delighted to smell and taste the treat, which I squeezed into a plate. It doesn’t look the best, pate squeezed out of a small tube, but treats aren’t really designed for looks. He also enjoyed eating right off the tube, like with other paste-based treats, which is always fun for me. Pesto also enjoyed the treat, but did not want to be watched while he ate for some reason today, and only ate his out of his bowl when I wasn’t directly near it, which is fine! They both seemed to really enjoy the liver taste and found the treat to be a good addition to their food.

The Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat is hypoallergenic, free of artificial colorings, flavors and preservatives. The back of each tube has a serving size for different weighted dogs and for cats as well. The paste is ideal for training and for hiding medication in, if you need help feeding medication to your animals. We found that the paste itself was the same texture as a lot of the pate food that cats do seem to love, but as a tasty little treat to try from time to time.

The packaging is really the only flaw to this treat. The whole thing comes in a metal tube, which is actually really hard to squeeze and get the treat out of. The tube crinkles and becomes hard to squish. As it’s really quite full, I started to very much struggle to get anything out! You could use a toothpaste squeezer tool to better get items out, but I do feel just a better type of packaging might be ideal.

Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat

Pancake, of course, has no knowledge of the issues with the packaging, and when he sees the treat taken out of the fridge, (as it needs to be refrigerated when opened) he comes right over!

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our pets!

7 thoughts on “Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat for Cats and Dogs

  1. Joyce K. says:

    I gifted this to my friend who has a cat, and her cat absolutely loves it!!! I like to say that it’s her favorite treat now

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